Spiritvs Magvm et Sonvs Infinitas (The Spirit of the Mage, and the Sound of Infinity) [Original spoken word video]

Good morning Steemians! I hope you enjoy this short piece of spoken word written and performed by yours truly, The Mage. <3

Bless Iyah, Family.



Separate the Three empirically, spherically, mirror me, as I ascend both- subtle
Quizzically content to contend with my wizardry that you don't quite overstand
Bland is the brand the Man demands the busy bees be hustled
Ruffle the puzzle expect to be muscled, knuckled, and buckled in a van
Incinerate all opposition, regenerate ole poppa's mission, with a little bit of lunacy popped and mixed in,
Cops can't twist this when gods are fit in to witness wits end wishes of misfit witches
_ - Get it glitched in, hieroglyphic - _
Woooo, winded - need a minute -
Leave that gimmick to the birds, soar with stars and quasars, pulsate to the limit - In-Fi-Nite - Fly by night, infinite.
Next level consciousness, monsters made from love
Absurd words venomous fall and fit like a glove
Yet agape comes out sloppy at first, but fine tunes to sing
Melodies fit for the ears of gods, slip off the tips of the angels' wings


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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