Enmity : a scattershot Future History as a Collection of many very short stories : They Rose Like the Sun

A biopunk epic in free quatrains, written in and for Steemit.

Hand in hand they walked into the water,
The still dark water of the tarn,
Fed by the peat of ages,
And by the ageless sky.

Breast to breast they stood together,
The son and daughter of this stone,
Taught by the neomages,
And by the endless line.

They raised their hands
And squelched their feet into the tannin mud.
Faces uplifted they sent out roots,
Carbon nanotube roots.

Water was broken,
Carefully cracked and stored.
Mud was sifted,
Life was grafted.

When the Sun rose,
Their green hands absorbed the light,
Storing energy, sorting molecules,
Building for their needs to come.

As the Sun set, their skin grew.
As the moon rose their bodies merged.
As the sky wheeled they sent their roots deeper,
Deeper into this stone.

For three seasons they grew in the tarn,
Hoarding hydrogen, mining minerals.
When winter came and the dense cold air surrounded them.
They bled the hydrogen into bladers and They Rose Like the Sun.

Hundreds of cubits of single molecule skin
Wafted them up through the sky.
As they rose they exposed the ceramic torii,
The engine of their second upliftment.

Their roots now enwrapped them,
A diamond robe with an electric field.
As they reached the top of the sky,
The charge repelled the rays of death.

The balloons now contracted,
The hydrogen compressed,
The fire was started,
They drifted no more.

Long was that fire,
Sharp were the flames,
That burned in their hearts,
And tore them from this stone.

Their skin was metallic diamond,
Smooth and featureless without.
Their shelter inside was unity,
Heart to heart, mind to mind.

As their fuel decreased they spun their wings,
Those gossamer wings of carbon and blood,
Their nerves and muscles distributed,
Their flight from the Sun begun.

The nanobots slowed their life,
As their wings spread to hundreds of miles.
The Sun now lifted them and fed them,
And they passed the days as hours.

Sere Mars they overtook,
And bold Jove they passed above,
Gathering dust as jewels,
And ions from the Solar wind.

Now their life was as ice,
Years passed in seconds.
Stars began to flow,
As they flew together away.

Over the ages they sped,
Their cloak now retrieved.
The torii reactivated,
But the flame was a spark of creation.

Individual atoms were harvested,
By that great charge of electrons,
from the fluid of space,
And fused together in their midst.

Their fuel assured,
They returned to time,
Rising above the galaxy,
Alone together.

Building a child.

I invite you to persue the other stories in this series, linked below

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