Between Rome, Byzantium and Persia [Day 10]

Between Rome, Byzantium and Persia.png

        I will not repeat myself.
        We are above such litany.

Straining to comprehend muttered refraining,
        the celebration of self cleansing,

no, we follow a higher power,
tower over religious babel:

The skies are pointing, fingers parting
                our throats -
        rabble bigotry promoting
artificial domesticity, a ceremonial
of holy patriarchal liturgy,
                a phallic

        Throats swallow the edge
                a calyx enveloping us:

                cheap wine and a hint
        of soap, or everlasting life;

                mouthwash and an answer
        of being born with purpose:

        all consuming, all assumed;
        all assuming, all consumed.

So we are the drink droughts
sip the blood of grapes


the above such litanies, and,
no, I will not repeat myself.

So flee, free man, flee
       from fate and death,
       and life and flesh,
and, ultimately, flee destiny;

       trust in tomorrow to be,
leave today for the banks to seize
       with Greek bonds, face saving,
       and arms waving "No guns!" -

       What could Greece truly know
about Democracy? - slave morality
see streets paved by daughters
              & queens in liquor gold,

and we, tourists, fleet of feet;
are we voyeur to painted sheets
       only waiting to be told?

Travelers wearied of the world
and the burden of knowing the know:

Pros: sacrifice is what it feels like
       to be strung along.

              Cons: what are you
       when even your word is gone?

       I like to imagine a day when we know
what a burdensome day tomorrow may be.

But tomorrow was the best day of my life.
              c'est la vie.


doing good to others is not a duty, it is a joy,
for it increases our own health and happiness.

one good deed is worth a thousand prayers.

probably part of something larger, as I am wont to do, but couldn't be more happy with this piece or more confident in its ability to hold its own.

Written for free-verse poetry maven @d-pend's revolutionary poetry initiative The 100 Day Poetry Challenge [Advanced Group] undertaken for Steemit School where @d-pend will be hosting a daily poetry show at 6 PM GMT.

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