"Genesis" ~ by Duncan Cary Palmer

"Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness."
- Leonardo da Vinci -


What can you say about light?

Ubiquitous. Universal. Essential to life.

This 50 word challenge took me back to the fundamentals, to origins...

Don't miss @jayna's 50 word story writing challenge this week.

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Darkness on the face of the deep...
Image courtesy of Tobias van Schneider and http://unsplash.com

Long ago and far away...


by Duncan Cary Palmer

Heaven, done.
Earth: begun.
Stars? None.
No sun.

Empty, shapeless
Darkness deep.
God observing
From his keep.

Occult shadow,
Naught to see.
Nary glimmer,
Sky or sea.

Deepest blackness,
Jet, obscure.
Crucial lack
Without a cure?

Breath, on water hovering,
Palpably uncovering,
One Word,
Day discovering.


Let it be.

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Light! Let it be...
Image courtesy of Laib Khaled and http://unsplash.com

Thanks for the challenge, Jayna!


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please CLICK our Library Poetry Shelf.

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