How Have The Mighty Fallen?

"I've learned ... that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them."
- Andy Rooney -


What a perfect metaphor for the fluttery feeling, that magical floating sensation which at times unaccountably appears when boy meets girl.

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Falling... ~ Image courtesy of Filipe Dos Santos Mendes and

How Have The Mighty Fallen?

by Duncan Cary Palmer

How does love begin?
A look? A word?
Might it have been
'Suite Judy Blue Eyes,'
Never before heard?

Not gorgeous,
But delightful, sweet,
Her voice—Angelic
Mine did meet
In lovely harmony.

A duet?
Not to be,
Not yet...

Competition arrives
By roller coaster.
Why Dennis?
Why not I?
Holding hands,
Forlorn I see them,
From the Matterhorn.

Dark thoughts dispersed
By thrilling discovery:
She has,
For me.

Oh, Glory!

Resurgent gloom;
Far away,
At home,
One for Marilyn

How can this man,
In time and space remote,
Obscure, unseen—
Three thousand miles distant—
Stand between?

Why Calvin?
Why not me?
Where the justice?
What the fate?
Why have I
Arrived too late?

Sitting on her bed's edge,
Stretched across
A billion miles,
My hand caresses
Marilyn's cheek,
I gaze into her eyes.

So close
I can taste it,
Love denied,
Rapture wasted.

Time foments
A bittersweet farewell.
Marilyn's wrists
Enwreath my neck.
Brief, deliberate, unrushed,
Her sweet kiss
Lingers still.

Back to Calvin.

The letter comes,
Too late.
"I hear your voice,"
Marilyn writes,
"Softly drifting on the wind."

Watch it fall
Into the bin.
Her penned memory,
Never to be read again.

Table of Contents

Falling in love...
Image courtesy of Timo Stern and


Table of Contents

Falling in love...
Image courtesy of Mahkeo and

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