"My lady had the body of a siren, the face of a goddess, and the mind of an Armenian camel dealer."
- Louis L'Amour -
This 50 word challenge almost threw me...
The word "bait" seems to have such a narrow definition... I almost declined.
But then I remembered how much fun I have with limericks. And so decided to expend my words on a pair.
Visit @jayna's 50 word story writing challenge here and discover how challenging writing fiction in a mere 50 words can be.
A voluptuous vixen from Venice...
Image courtesy of Miguel Zare and http://pixabay.com
You may enjoy reading this out loud.
Immovable vs Irresistible
by Duncan Cary Palmer
A voluptuous vixen from Venice
Undulated with sensuous gait.
Supple, limber, and lithe,
She'd wriggle and writhe
Flaunting assets designed to predate.
Iron Tom, when faced with this Siren,
Refusing to bow to his fate,
Said, "I'm better than that,"
But he spoke through his hat...
Eventually taking the bait.
Iron Tom eventually took the bait...
Image courtesy of Evy Jacobs and http://unsplash.com
Thanks for the challenge, Jayna!
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