The Lecture & Leisure of a Fiery Teacher

---Lecture & Leisure---
-----of a Fiery Teacher-----


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O Blossom of heat that lives
Between my palms, springing
as sunrays lick the horizon,
Teach me the method of
Greatest satisfaction,
That may enter I the
Vandal's heart of
Annihilant glory

That I may
Channel in earnest
The Fire of the Dream.

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That I may
Quench the burn
Turning to telekinesis.
Clump of boughs which hovers,
Arrogance evergreen corresponding the
Degree of devotion with which the others
Address the appearance of a face
Becoming the one that's not my
Own but someone more fierce,
Sinister and cruel with
Flaming eyes that
Pierce & punish
In iron rule

Pupil's recoil of horror
From impatience of torture of the
Teacher or was it indifference was
The sulfurous hellfire & brimstone

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O Corolla of mercy that dwells
Between my shoulders, fluorescing
as wings of the drangonflown,
Instruct me the procedure
Of spiraling hydronics,
That I may cool the
Absurdity of a

That I may explore
Imagination's cavern
Mountainous with feeling

Ice stalactites eagerly watch me
Play pinball in hues of blue & red
Through the auric haze of time that froze &
Clung me in reverse. The unspeakable embrace
Of lovers that searched as symbiotes for
Homeostatic discourse, meandering
Through dimensions of dirt &
Shimmering beauty, the
Tutelage of mutual
scrutiny and
Affection of

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So near, my coming &
My going - from whence?
Arise I into closed whites &
Colors staring from sockets of
Unnameable delights.

The aperture of fantasy had
Closed and opened up - what sorcery!
To a land where the water must heat to
Bubble and my mistress is invisible
In the psychic atmosphere of
Density & rubble.

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Written by Daniel Pendergraft

All images are free domain use
Or property of their respective owners.

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This piece was a further development of a "linguistic sketch" I did this morning entitled Sorcery In The Dream Village that was created in a five minute session in The Most Dangerous Writing App. I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below about how that brainstorm evolved into this. As always, thanks for reading and have an awesome day!

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