Poem : My definition of love

Love is leaving but remembering all the great feelings.
Missing but willing to come back home from alien lands.
Betrayed but forgive and forgot inside your head.
Feeling great but controlling the ego for the sake of others.

Giving all you have for the sake of someone special.
Missing but never missed yet remembering them all.
Walking miles and miles for the one and only in your heart.
Dreaming the best for all even to yours foes who curse you.

Jealousy and envy feelings no longer felt inside you.
Believing in them when they no longer believe in themselves.
Teaching and giving hope to the social outcasts who aren't inspired.
Believing in life at a later age when they have forgotten about you.

Faith in the young and old humans, they need your care.
Not underestimating anyone's capabilities by your eye and intuition.
The good positive messenger of the good news for all is you.
Walking for a greater cause that gives reward for all.

Spreading the welcoming feelings via your genuine smile.
Life without fear of losing but faith in winning yourself.
Deep empathy and sympathy for the pauper who lost 30 Christmases.
Leaving but coming back later after being kicked out of the house.

Listening and paying close attention to all constructive advice.
Being a student of life not the boss even if you are in reality.
Willing to learn from advice to find your way out for the better.
Great sacrifices for all who mean something to you because its worth it.

Giving with a happy heart not grumpy face.
Truth without trying to impress or get validated.
Not judging a book because of its guava pages.
Kind are her answers but not giving it all to him .

Being a good boy but not too nice at all.
Kind when others are boastful about merits.
Belief in your inner strength not the wealth.
A giver of value not a taker of it.

A blessing to all dependents.
A maker of independents from dependents.
An appreciator of great architecture.
The voice of the voiceless.

Justice and reconciliation in your heart.
Hope green like the summer grass during the rainy season.
Belief and trust in bosoms like a puppy at times.
Lost but still persist even when the burdens are big.

Great leader but respects all followers like self.
Knowing everyone deserves a greater life.
Cheated without cheating but keeps liking.
The glorified like Napoleon but still humble.

Epitome of success to the fatherless.
Life without comparing neighbor with self.
Respect to others’ norms and values.
Authority and power with great responsibility.

A spreader of tingling warm sensations.
An electric blanket during the Russian-like winter.
A promise with fulfillment to all.
Withdrawing dogmatic principles when costly.

Listening to those who suffered because of you.
Community control with a warm-heart.
Friendship not because of tribe or faith.
I think that's part of having love,
Whether its on a personal level or for all.

By Fidel The Success Poet

Special Thanks to #steemingit40 , @steemingit40 , #adsactly , #busy #africa etc for the support. Happy 2018.

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