Poem : What you call failure is only temporary defeat

He proposed marriage with her and she said no,
And he was bored and never asked another girl out in his life.
This is because he thought he is no good for any woman.
One girl who said no to him affected him bad but it was his choice for sure ,
So he thought all the billion women of this world where just like her and lived sad forever.

She tried starting a startup but failed during her first year venture.
She closed the business because she thought she was no good at it.
One tiny failure made her to become negative and hate business itself.
She surrendered and said business was only for man,
But she didn't know she had cursed herself

A student fails his final exams,
And thinks life has ended for him.
For him to survive he has to choose a life of crime or as a street kid.
He did that but in 6 months he found himself Nowhere.
Found himself in the gaol and life was worse than ever.

A presidential candidate fails at the elections,
She retreats to her farm area and is never heard of again.
She thinks she can't be something great in her life.
Because the men on her circle alienated her and she was demoralized.
But should she really feel that and allow others to decide her destiny?

However I say a guy needs not hate all women.
Because one disliked you don't mean all in the universe do that.
Whilst you are nothing to some, you are gold to many, you just have to find them.
Life is choice so choose your true lover because you feel them inside.
Love them because you feel them not because of their beauty or material wealth.

Only if one persists with their mission with dedication,
Thats only when they will succeed in life.
Success does no come in a day, a week, or a month,
But its a reward of great persistence and dedication.
My sister you are responsible for your success by yourself.

Life goes on even if one fails at school,
School is just a possible stepping stone to success but not the ultimate.
But if you fail that is no problem since options are many.
School was meant to get the genius to lead the world but anyone can lead as well.
But if school is not your credo, listen attentively and find your passion

Abraham Lincoln lost many times to get the top job,
So why would you quit and surrender in a day?
If something is really your goal, then work for it harder and harder.
Good pastures and vegetation won't grow in a day!
So you have to make them rich and wait for them to be healthy.

By Fidel - Friday 19 Jan 2018

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