Freewrite House Poetry Digest - Third Edition

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Poetry Digest - Third Edition

Welcome back to the freewrite Poetry Digest brought to you by @wandrnrose7 . Thank you freewriters for your excellent contributions! We are inspired and impressed by your talent and insight.

Please continue to share your freewrite poetry with the #freewritepoetrydigest tag. Check in regularly for our next Freewrite Poetry Digest!

Here are some of our favorite selections.

Click on the picture to read the full post.

This amazing poetry left us speechless and filled with a rich sense of appreciation for @bennettalia as he pulls us into this Impossible suggestion by @brisby


A delightful freewrite poem on putting a different spin on the actions of others by @starzy.


Sometimes we need to take a closer look at our perceptions. @waterworks uses very tight and concise language to convey her topic.


An innocent and beautiful observation of *freedom by @pixiehunter.


I hope you enjoyed these poems. If the poem is past payout, please find a recent post to share a vote and comment to support these lovely poets!

We noticed that the artwork by @loliboofae seems to have inspired a lot of poems. Thank you for that prompt!!

Please tag us with #freewritepoetrydigest so we can find your work!! And if you see a piece of freewrite poetry of a fellow freewriter which really speaks to you, leave us a link in the comments.

Happy poetic writing!

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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