Poetry Digest - Edition Seven


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Poetry Digest - Edition Seven

Welcome back to the freewrite Poetry Digest brought to you by @wandrnrose7 . Thank you freewriters for your excellent contributions! We are inspired and impressed by your talent and insight.

Please continue to share your freewrite poetry with the #freewritepoetrydigest tag. Check in regularly for our next Freewrite Poetry Digest!

Here are some of our favorite selections.

Click on the pictures to read the full post.


@marcoriccardi takes us along a poetic journey based off of the prompt five. The busy bustle of a week culminates in the joyful reunion of a couple upon a weekend!

Five days a week
We are two
Monday, a quick kiss, on the run
Tuesday, the eternal return of the same
Wednesday, Samsara
Thursday, the wait grows
Friday, a renewed discovery
Two days a week
We're one
Our personal Eden.

This was a poem written in a comment. Please visit @marcoriccardi profile for more excellent posts and to give an upvote.


By request, I share a poem by @wandrnrose7 inspired by the prompt five. The power of five fingers comes alive in the works of each of our hands.

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Often we have the most time to reflect on life when we are home alone. @stella87s shares the deeper emotions in this poignant poem.

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@girlbeforemirror gives us a rare glimpse of majesty in her poem with the prompt monkey's wedding and leaves us with a taste of warm afterglow.

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@kilbride eloquently describes the growth of spirit from childhood to adult with the poem inspired by the prompt five. Read on here.

I was 5 when I first saw fame
15 when I burned for
25, been skirting
Can't get 5 minutes of peace
Just 5 minutes alone
Eyes are the windows to the soul
I can't handle everyone's gaze

This poem was also written as a comment. Please visit @kilbride to see more of her work and for an upvote.

I hope you enjoyed these poems. If the poem is past payout, please find a recent post to share a vote and comment to support these lovely poets!

A vote on an expired post does go back to the reward pool and has no benefit to you or the author.

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Please tag us with #freewritepoetrydigest so we can find your work!! And if you see a piece of freewrite poetry of a fellow freewriter which really speaks to you, leave us a link in the comments.

Happy poetic writing!

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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