Love is an Arse (Original Poem for the #writingfeather Contest)

Love is an Arse

Love is an arse
Love is a farce
Head and heart at war
'Being' entirely sore.

My heart is wrong
Head has no song
Accept it, move on
Love has gone.

It was never there
Stupid heart going spare
Daring to dream
Letting hope gleam.

Worlds apart
In more ways than one
Crazy heart
Head you have won.

No real reason for this
Heart on sleeve, imagined kiss
All crashing down around
Without making a damned sound

Come on tears, stop falling
All night you have been bawling
Headache sure to follow
Suck it up, buttercup, swallow.

No more believing in fate
A friend, never a mate
Not even that I expect
With words I have wrecked.

So fucking sore
Don't want anymore
Nowhere to escape
Dreams dissipate.

Love is an arse
I'll think I'll pass
Life is short
Love just a thought.

Want to curl up and disappear
Want to be anywhere but here
Head is reeling
Got that sinking feeling.

By Broken Hope

(Poem very exaggerated, am okay, will be okay)

Poem written as entry for the Writing Feathers Poetry Competition


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