[POEM] - Offering to the Seas | Original Seed-Poems

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I wished for an excuse to write a poem and my girlfriend gave me 7 seed words to inspire something.

I hope you enjoy.

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Mermaids, Chalice, Blood, Pearl, Grave Stone, Feather, Glamorous

Offering to the Seas

You must place an offering of blood,
in the beautifully decorated Brass Chalice.
The sunken city where for a thousand years its been hid,
is guarded by Mermaids, and Sirens possessed by Malice.

The cup is upon a pedestal, made of carved red Pearl,
and set upon it is a Feather Pen, Paper and a vial of Black Ink.
Write upon it your Grave Stone musings, final words of parting,
because what is ultimately at stake here is bigger than you think.

Ready now, your Soul has been offered to appease the Seas,
for they conspired to drown all that walks on the land.
Our sins are many and the gods, they have certainly noticed,
Some are Glamorous, Some are Devious and will turn us to sand.

If you like poetry, why not check out some of my content for some inspiration.

Here ya go, enjoy!

Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega
7 - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion
8 - Kiss Goodnight
9 - Antique Jewelry Box


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