An anecdotal poetry experiment.


An anecdotal poem

flower squiggle.png

it happened nearly everywhere
occupy assembly late at night
a gathering of strong dissent
agree the world is not alright
to stand up to the one percent

injustice is what they fight
their convictions loud and clear
freedom, transparency, equality
fighting for what they hold dear
against the systems monstrosity

it's pretty facade not sincere
from all sides come subversions
are fueling the internal divide
a thunder speech of extroversions
i thought up to set things right

to open minds and end dispersion
focus our minds on our true goal
aren't we fighting for everyone
each and every struggling soul
if this goes on we will be done

and one percent's still in control
we're sharing same the direction
then why not together we recombine
let go of you and your projection
cause if you don't that's asinine

i'm urging for some introspection
to brace against the stormy weather
the world's sliding into oligarchy
focus again on the important matter
to direct some TLC to humanity

to put an end to useless chatter
every action is an invocation
not enough know of our true plans
to stop this societal inflation
this "to the bottom" dance

is now degrading all humans
the generator giving lighting
built by low paid hands Chinese
for them we're also fighting
for occupy is Tienanmen's lease

truly occupy's first sighting
the generator's got no part to spare
everything essential to operation
put together with extraordinary care
any part missing means cessation

incompleteness it cannot bear
let's mimic this Chinese generator
and let's work together every day
your input revolutions accelerator
so maybe at some point we may

live in a world fair and greater
so put the details on the side
and share our greater prayer
just come along for the ride
and work for world's repair

flower squiggle.png

As many of you (no doubt) i participated in the occupy movement. And like many of you (no doubt again) i was severely disappointed by the fact that most people were just there for their own partial interests, not the greater good. And no doubt your movement was trolled, belittled, infiltrated and attacked, legal and illegal, inside and out. At some point we were fighting court cases, internal division and outside attacks at freezing temperatures and covered in snow. We were severely stretched and worn down, not allowed to heat ourselves, cook or even make coffee. Discontent was growing rapidly and threatening our fight. I saw it all happening and wrote a thunderous speech which i loudly made. After that i just walked out and let them stew on it. The next morning i opened my tent and then i saw something i had never seen before, or since. It was like augmented reality, i saw red lines with my words in the middle between people, the words i chose to activate them seemed like a spiders web. My first thought was "words are truly magic", i tried to hold on to that feeling but it turned out elusive and it faded. And forgot... That is until i read this So thank you @its-kg for reminding and inspiring me! I am still no nearer to that feeling, but at least i remember it again.

THe rhyme scheme is an experiment, it goes ABCBC CDEDE EFGFG .... to end XYAYA.

I hope you liked my anecdotal poem, if you did, please resteem, upvote or follow.

If you want to read more by me, check out some more stuff I wrote:

When it rains it pours
Talk about addiction
Mind, body and soul
United dreams
Dreaming about Steeming
For the love of stones

And if you like them, please upvote, resteem or follow! All are appreciated.


umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu! @originalworks @cleansingpoetry

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