"Not Yet Now" | Poems, 006

The first semi-freestyle poem that I was happy with! ... Written at around age 18.
Something I guess I don't mind sharing here now: My first romantic relationship ever happened at age 21. First kiss, first everything. 21.
So this poem is basically the culmination of both going through high school without the courage to approach my 5-year crush and being isolated initially because of being geeky but then later because I liked it - I felt different and enjoyed being perceived as different.

Not Yet Now

Screaming, singing,
All this suffering,
Why am I not crying?
Blood-stained face, loving embrace,
Masks they wear, illusions they chase,
My heart, my soul, not yet whole,
Who will fill the empty space?
A deep desire, a will to inspire,
Unaware, they never tire,
Sad is this world of glass and steel,
Why ever did He give us fire?
I have so much love to give,
Is there no one who wants it?

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