Bad Trip - The Poem

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Bad Trip - The Poem

Before November I had written 10 parts of a story call Bad Trip. I took time out then to work on a novel for the NaNoWriMo project in November (My Sister's Keeper). I intend to get back into the Bad Trip story and finish it, but decided to do a recap in the form of poetry first.

Taylor woke in a world that did not resemble his own
Things seemed so different, chaotic and strange
Such feelings arose to leave him confused with each thought
Was he dreaming a dream that's left everything rearranged?

The Gamemaster appeared and spoke in riddles and rhymes
"Layers within layers" is where you find yourself now
Beware of the Minotaur, so many fall prey to his ways
Get through this first stage as we'd love you to stick around

The Master of Ceremonies, so colourful and loud
The audience approves, they laugh and they cheer
But the game is awaiting, it's time to begin
When you find yourself out there you will know such intense fear

But wait someone has come to his rescue, they have seen this before
They have hacked this strange dreamscape world he is in
But the forest is dark, Taylor can't see what's around
The game has begun and its meaning is still dim

But Jim is the man who has come to retrieve
Taylor the captive and find out what's going on
It's a mind hack you're in he tries to explain
"This can't be happening" he says, something here has gone wrong

Complications arise, just when all looked to be fine
There are rogue agents around who are out for revenge
Taylor thinks of the game and who can he trust anymore
If he can't be rescued here will this be his end?

So much darkness around
He can't see a thing
Many doorways around
In this hallway he is in
Taylor stares back at himself
How could this be?
Madness encroaches
He cannot trust what he sees

He awaits one more rescue
Will it reach him in time?
Layers within layers
Too many riddles and rhymes
But the rogue has approached him
To confuse him some more
And kill his last hope
That he will know freedom once more

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This fiction is my own work, written for Steemit
Image Credit: and

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Bad TripMy Sister's Keeper
Chapter OneChapter One & Two
Chapter TwoChapter Three & Four
Chapter ThreeChapter Five & Six
Chapter FourChapter Seven
Chapter FiveChapter Eight
Chapter SixChapter Nine
Chapter SevenChapter Ten
Chapter EightChapter Eleven
Chapter NineChapter Twelve
Chapter TenChapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen & Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One & Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three & Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven & Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine & Thirty
Chapter Twenty Thirty One
Chapter Twenty Thirt Two
3 columns
2 columns
1 column