True Love Have I Known [Original Poetry]

Language lost in the eternal search for meaning

Trapped within the confined space of all that is before me

Slowly unwinding, never forgetting

Trying to piece it all back together once again

Language like lovers lost in an embrace

Unstructured meaning filtering joy to the unfettered soul

In between breathing and remembering to be

Is the joy of begetting this one precious pearl

Traipsing through memoirs, constructing a hope

Breath life into meaning so I can give life unto us

Not dying, not leaving, just slowly believing

Believing in words that I may gift you this song

Once is forgotten but forever will be

That a life lived with beauty will keep the company of me

And words are but whispers, to my ears, to my soul

In my death, in my dying, true love have I known 


Some of my earlier poetry:

The Heart of the Shadow

The Mark of Cain

To Soar With Grace

The Beauty of Silence

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