Poetrydice Challenge: Inner Conflicts

The wretched soul sets the house on fire
The enlightened built the pyramid
Is one led by the devil
While the other followed the spirit of goodness
Is sadness the result of evil
And happiness comes from godliness
Torn between forces of evil and good
Tormented by his inner conflicts
He puts on a mask
Admiring the fishes
Swimming so freely in the waters

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About the poem:

Human beings have great capacity to do both good and evil. In general society rewards the good that we do and punishes those who do evil. The question therefore arises, what motivates man to do either good or evil. Is it because at the core of us, there is either pure evil or pure goodness? If that is the case, where does this evil or goodness in our heart come from? It is planted in our hearts by a superior being or do we acquired as we journey here on earth.

These are the questions that have puzzled men for centuries. Scientists, philosophers and psychologist have put forward so many conflicting theories.

Personally for me, life is not black or white but different shades of black and white with lots of grey in between. I am not in a position to judge the actions of others, neither can I discern the motivations behind these actions. Where possible I shall strive to practice non-judgement. I believe that in most cases, people are doing the best that they can under the circumstances with the resources that are available to them. My faith in humanity and the good that they can do is still intact. Ultimately, I believe that good will triumph over evil. You may think that I am an idealist but I am just a die hard optimist.

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