Poetry Slam Challenge 6: Lucid Addiction

I wrote this poem for the #poetryslamchallenge hosted by @prufarchy. This is a free verse styled poem.

Lucid Addiction

From lucidity to bed dress,
I find I am calm and at rest,
I do not wish to leave this place,
instead I wish to dream in space.

Faint light glows periodically like a test,
yet I think of sleep and feel bereft,
oh, how easily I could fall back under,
to return to magical wonder.

Fairly certain I'm at my best,
as these curtains shield my nest,
I contemplate reason not to leave,
staying trapped among the cotton weave.

Hard pressed to trace an ounce of stress,
despite real life being graced by mess,
oh, what I would give to live under my head rest,
'cause lucidly I conceive the most wondrous quests.

If you would like to submit a poem yourself for this weeks #poetryslamchallenge, you can view the original details here

This post was inspired by my constant struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I dream lucidly and it's addictive. I have found myself sleeping away whole days just because I wanted to continue living a fantasy. It is fun but extremely addictive.

I thought it was normal as a child until I realized later in life that only few people can do it. I believe it's my imagination that does it, but there could be other forces at play, who knows... Either way it's a plague. If you experience the same kind of imagery when you're sleeping and the interactions within then please comment below. I'd love to hear about other people's experiences.

Thank you for reading.

Thomas Te Aroha Kohi | Entrepreneur

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