Remembering How to Relax


There is the hold still aspect, the just sit down,
the stop what you are doing you don't need to do that right now.

There is the read a book or eat a meal
take yourself to dinner, pause, breathe, feel.

There is the meditation cushion or yoga class
or max heavy weights to squat piled on your back.

There is the exhaust yourself so you can switch off,
the wistful, wishful wonder of tummy-tiring laugh.

There is more than enough advice for the body mind to follow
if your kids would quiet down
if the whistling would cease
if the screens were turned off
if your heart didn't ache
if your brain would stop circling
if your muscles would let go. . .

And then there is the lack of dispute -- right now is your time
clearly you need it if you are writing to a rhyme.

The work you've put in is enough, it is time to rest
and be satisfied that life is good and you have done your best.

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

This is a Steemit original repost because, well, I need to take some time to relax.

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