Poetry Dice Entry: Nemo's Great Escape

Nemo's Great Escape

Through the looking glass, Alice sees
The lightening as the witches sneeze
And Elsa making the fountain freeze.

Thankfully Nemo got out in time,
Before the witches could carry out their crime.
Robin Hood had saved him with a line.

Tied to an arrow, Nemo flew to the Merry Men
Who popped him in a little bowl and then
Time forgot what day it was and when

Arlo came running past and put Nemo his back
Leaving huge footprints in his track
Leaving the witches jaws slack.

This was Boss Baby's well thought out rescue plan
He thought it all up playing the abacus span
He heard the witches and was Nemo's biggest fan

He had sent a postcard to that Alice girl
Who courtesteyed and done a twirl
And sent word to Robin Hood, with the curl.

Robin Hood had grabbed Lumière and ran
And spied on the witches primeval clan
To see when they would carry out their plan

Now thanks to Arlo and the rest of the team
And the vision of Elsa and the lightening seen
Nemo was safe and back with the bream

And not frozen solid in a fountain stream
Forever to be seen in mid scream
Those naughty witches didn't get the cream.


This weeks poem inspired by the Poetry Dice

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