Poetry Slam Challenge 7 : 🌫Wed The Storm🌫

This week's topic for poetry slam challenge is "photo poetry". So i decided to make a poem on a photo gif , This is my 2nd entry for the challenge. Hope you all will enjoy reading the poem.☺️

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Wed The Storm

Within my mind an ocean swells,
crashing waves upon my heart.
Forever washing up my dreams,
like driftwood torn apart.

As black as night the storm rolls in,
a wicked tempest no mere gale,
more violent and evil,
than any demon borne in hell!

From murky depths the serpent rises,
bred from all my lies,
it wraps itself around me,
my bedlam of disguise.

A game of love,
a game of hate,
with the devil did I hide.
Lost the love, won the hate,
the storm becomes my bride!

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