Poetry Slam Challenge #2: (Daily Grind)

Many feel stuck in jobs or careers that leave one feeling hollow or at best unfulfilled.  I certainly am no different than most.  Along comes Steemit providing a creative outlet for those of us whose artistic potential hasn't had the nurturing it deserves for some time.  The photos contained are of my actual desk at work.  Like many, I spend most of my day stuck in an office slaving away for someone else's benefit.

Steemit - freeing creative minds stuck in the daily grind...

Daily Grind   

Mundane and bland is the grind 

Bored day in and day out 

Slowly going out of my mind   

This is not what I was meant to be 

Chained to desk in office tower jungle 

Typing, checking and stamping so drudgingly   

Busy as a bee, like a drone I toil 

But my mind wanders distantly 

From the cage that makes my blood boil   

Far away it floats in search of fulfillment 

A rewarding existence it seeks 

A place that fills soul with contentment   

We were each born to be creator 

Our oppressors are its suppressor 

A free spirit destined to be greater   

As heart pours its song across the pages 

Tales of rhyme, prose and creativity 

Frozen in testament of freedom of the mind for all the ages   

Shared in kind with those of free spirit 

Thought for thought, emotion and feeling 

Gathering momentum it gives birth to Steemit   

A place where minds can be free 

Victims no more of cageless prisons

Able to express and feel as meant to be     

Free In Thought, 2016

Please be sure to FOLLOW me and check out my other contributions at @freeinthought. Thanks for reading!

Also please check out my other Steem Poetry Slam #2 entries:

Jagged Prison of Stone and Blackness

Free as a Thought

Photos are original and edited using software at  www190.lunapic.com.

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