Competing influences such as leftism, globalism, and islam (these are just some of the larger ideologies, not all of the competing influences AND there are competing influences within the spheres of these movements such as the shia-sunni schism ), and all hostile to liberty and free market ideology (anarchy and minarchy).
The competing influences can and will ally at convenience. Leftism and islam is a fairly powerful alliance that can be seen in one example in flooding Europe with young male "refuggees". Globalism and islam can seen in Bush's ties with the House of Saud AND in the Corker deal with Iran. Globalism and leftism can been seen in such legislation as TPP. This does not mean there is a "grand conspiracy", this means that some actors within each movement ally when it is of benefit. Nazi Germany and Russia aligned to carve up Poland, but turned on each other.
And those are ideological factors. Corruption and racism are just two facets of human weakness that interplay with ideological factors. H. Clinton is probably more of a corruptocrat than a leftist or a globalist, even if her political heritage has been leftist. Racism can be seen in the organized for violence BLM ( and BLM is leftist aligned). Laziness and cowardice infect each one of us to some level.
As humans, we want there to be one primary factor, we want there to be good vs. evil. We don't want to make complicated analyses, especially when outcomes could be limited and accurate data is hard to pull from the web of lies we receive. People also don't want to be responsible for the very tough personal actions they would have to take after reaching an analysis.
The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on the in the world, all his congenital incapacity and damfoolishenss, to the machinations of the werewolves assembled in Wall Street or some other such den of infamy. If these villains could be put down, he holds, he would at once become rich, powerful and eminent.
HL Mencken
Thus you have some people that blame everything on the NWO, some on the Jews, some on islam, some on the illegals, etc etc. It is "the rich" or "the poor" or "the bankers" that cause ALL the problems, instead of individual or aligned actors within each greater category. "IF we just get rid of this one set of bad guys, that will solve all our problems". Binary thinking is one of the dooms of critical thinking. In addition, we want someone else to take action, and then we can blame them when their actions on our behalf don't have any effective result, as in the Drug War. We send cops out to kick people's door in because those people MIGHT be doing drugs, and then we complain when the cops drop a tear gas grenade on a baby.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. That means sniffing out and then snuffing out enemies on an individual level. The Muslim that builds bombs is an enemy, but not every Muslim in Detroit is one. The illegal who accepts welfare benefits and drives drunk is an enemy, but not the illegal that has built a home and values American ideals over his native land is not. It takes effort and judgement and sifting out good data from bad data to make these calls. It is not a "sit back on the couch and hope for the best "process. It means action on the personal level - research at a minimum, and harsher actions depending on your own level of freedom or oppression. It also means that a person who takes action is responsible for the morality of his action.
Thanks to @crok for his post here, which gave the impetus to this post: