A Quick Review of Part One
- Discussion Point One - Why is it so bad that Trump is being investigated?
- Discussion Point Two - Why "The Russians did it" is a sad joke
- Discussion Point Three - The tendency of the Left to commit violence on the street level, and to justify it on the Information War level
Discussion Point Four - Does the Left and/or the Deep State want a Civil War?
- Just as we talked about regarding the filth of Soros, where does one begin and the other end? Hillary would be the pinnacle of this kind of combination of leftist/globalist corruptocrat. So instead of trying to divine who is exactly who, we will look at the rhetoric and actions of the Deep State itself
- We looked at the actions of the Left in conjunction with the media in Discussion Part Four
- Just as the media seems to be the call to violence and the justifiers of violent riot and assault, it also seems to uncritically report what "unnamed sources" say, despite these "unnamed sources" being constantly wrong (Pee Dossier, Russian Hacking, etc)
- Let me reiterate a point from Discussion Point One, that the people involved are disproportionately those who have been involved with Democratic Party polics, including lawyers who defended Clinton and her associates.
Conflict of Interest Surrounds The Election Investigation - The actions of Mueller raise serious questions about his intent, Does Robert Mueller Want to Cause a Civil War?
If serial leaks are coming from the FBI, our leading law enforcement agency is betraying the America people and is staffed with a number of criminals of the most despicable entitled sort.
It also resembles the techniques employed during Stalin's show trials when "information" was leaked to the reliable press to assure the discrediting of defendants in advance of their testimony.
Leave aside the optics... of the close relationship with Comey and the three Democratic donors in key positions. This leaking is on another level altogether. It is obstruction of justice, in its pure Stalinist form. If I were Robert Mueller, I would be humiliated. If I were not able to find those leakers and prosecute immediately, I would recuse myself.
- We know that the Deep State as a whole feels threatened, not just the Clinton Crime Ring wing of it:
A Civil War For Control Of The US Government Has Erupted Between "The Deep State" And Donald Trump
According to former NSA analyst John Schindler, elements of the intelligence community have gone “nuclear” against President Donald Trump and are now vowing “he will die in jail”.
- You may ask how I can assert the last when I can't even identify exactly who is in the Deep State; it is a valid question...
Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State. I doubt Bill Moyers is operating a black helicopter conspiracy site.
Discussion Point Five - Can Trump strike now?
- Personally, I call for the following on every social media outlet I use
We know that Mueller and Comey both violated conflict of interest laws. Nail them for that.
We know that Clinton mishandled classified data. Nail her for that
We know that leftists are coordinating violent riots across state lines via social media...
We know democong politicans are violating 8 USC 1324 with sanctuary cities...
- But what happens if he does that?
- We have already seen judges wad up the Constitution and render their partisan allegiance as legal opinion; most strikingly with the 9th Circuit's contradictory rulings on enforcing immigration policy. One day, no State has any say into who crosses over their borders if the Feds say so, while on another day, a State judge can shut down the entirety of the Federal INS on a political maneuver.
- We can foresee judicial sabotage of any law enforcement efforts; Democrat judges issuing minimum sentences to shield illegals from deportation...even to the point of blatant criminality:
Oregon judge investigated for allegedly helping illegal immigrant sneak out of courtroom, evade ICE - Likewise, we can expect "resistance" from burrocrats whose loyalty lay with the democong or with the Deep State; I am sure they feel that the judges will protect that behavior
Discussion Point Six - Should Trump strike now?
- I am in the definite maybe crowd on this question
- There is a strategic concept called Prepping the Battlefield; basically you shape as many variables in your favor before the battle even starts.
- IMHO, the press has been neutralized. There dishonesty is legendary, and Trump has played them like a fiddle (more on this shortly). They are a running joke except for that base 40% who is going to believe anything a democrat or the Ministry of Truth says regardless of anything else.
- OTOH, much of the problem in these "leaks" is the fear that they will influence what is coming down the pike.
- Regarding Trump and the press, Scott Adams has been describing Trump's own Information War tactics against the media since before the election. One example is a minor (intentional?)error in a Trump statement that the press leaps on hysterically, only to prove Trump's main point. He goads them into hysterics, and they comply. Trumps's handling of the media has shown many people who were unsure about journalist objectivity just how partisan and dishonest they are.
- Moving on...
- If Trump moves against the Deep State, and the judiciary blocks that move, the Constitutional crisis we have expecting for some time finally comes; OR, if Trump is impeached for something that is clearly less illegal than what the Oblahblah admin pulled over it's 8 years, the same situation occurs; OR, the Left escalates their increasing rate of violence.
- At any point, the first line of American defense is America's line LE and military. We all know how unreliable Chiefs of Police and JAGoffs are when it comes to law over politics, but the line guys in both camps are heavily in favor of Trump and America. It is the line guys that will choose who triumphs in the above situations.
- And just to back them up are groups like Oath Keepers and various III% militias.
Discussion Point Seven - Is Trump really interested in Draining the Swamp?
This to me is a we shall see problem. I have my hopes, and on some days it seems he is moving in that direction, and on other days it seems he is playing footsies with the corruptocrats.
What I do know that every day that Hillary Clinton is not in jail is a marker that Trump is not serious, and this is all Kabuki Theatre, Presented by the Deep State for your enjoyment and enslavement
Your thoughts?
(although I think I'm to get off the computer for a bit...brain..floating)