This post is going to be in more of a discussion/presentation format than anything else...but no %&**&^ PowerPoint 😜
The question has come to mind primarily because of the latest wave of leftist violence, which has denigrated into firearms use. However, the Deep State/media tactics of character assassination have continued without evidence, and I have seen many Steemit writers discussing the link between the dishonest leaks and the street violence. Feel free to link your relevant blogs!
Liddell-Hart, in Strategy, notes that the best laid attack plans are set so that multiple objectives may be reached with a single attack. If the Information War being waged against Trump is designed to reach the goal of impeachment, does it also satisfy the goal of fomenting violence in our streets? Aren't these assumptions to begin with?
Discussion Point One - Why is it so bad that Trump is being investigated?
- For many of us, the goal of the Information War against Trump seems to be not to replace him with a Deep State hack, but to prevent an investigation of Hillary Clinton and/or the DNC and/or The Deep State
- Following from that point, no investigation of Trump, regardless of what he actually has done, can be valid as long that investigation is led by folks that are part of those networks.
see Conflict of Interest Surrounds The Election Investigation - For many people, Trump is the Promise of a Drained Swamp, and they see their legally selected instrument of law being sabotaged. The people spoke...and the burrocrats and "journalists" spat on the rule of law and on them personally. Again, whatever Trump may have done is inconsequential compared to the corruption and malfeasance that they voted against
Discussion Point Two - Why "The Russians did it" is a sad joke
- From the outset, it was strange to see people who had done nothing to confront the Russians throughout oblahblah's admin (up to Syria, that is) suddenly condemn the Russians
The 80's called, and want their foreign policy back - Barky Hussein Oblahblah
Clinton's "reset" button
The violation of the Budapest memorandum, where Oblahblah abandoned Ukraine despite the guarantee of their sovereignty
Hillary's approval of the sale of American uranium to Russia - Even while under oath, security official after security official has stated there is no evidence of Russian interference in the election; while they swear so, they and their underlings run to their allied media with fakenews stating the opposite in unproven allegations.
- The goalpost keep moving - every time an allegation is disproved, another scurrilous rumor is run. Remember the dishonest insanity of the Pee Dossier?
- See Is there evidence of "Russian" hacking or is it in fact alphabet agency propaganda?
- The Vault 7 revelations of the CIA's ability to false flag cyberops with opfor's fingerprints (in particular, Russia's)
- The revelation of Seth Rich's leaks of DNC material to Wikileaks. Seth Rich having then been murdered in a "robbery" in which nothing was stolen
Discussion Point Three - The tendency of the Left to commit violence on the street level, and to justify it on the Information War level
- Ace of Spades ran some excellent posts on this issue yesterday; I will link them here instead of doing a summary (and from these posts, they link to several in-depth links in turn; yes, a lot of reading)
The Fringe Left Is Perpetrating Violence, While the "Respectable" Left Justifies Violence, Excuses It, and Promotes It
The Violence of the Left - Leftist violence (protected by influential leftists) is nothing new in American history; see A Short History of Leftist Violence
observing radicals in action, I was repeatedly reminded of the storm troopers that marched through my childhood in Europe
- Robison, K. K., Crenshaw, E. M., & Jenkins, J. C. (2006). Ideologies of Violence: The Social Origins of Islamist and Leftist Transnational Terrorism. Social Forces, 84(4), 2009–2026.
- And so we don't just assume that this street violence is solely a Leftist affair...
Soros, Democracy Alliance, Dark Money, and Violence
Is Soros a Leftist, a Globalist, or just a combination platter of shit? Does it matter what his motivations are as much as the damage he causes?
Part One Summary
There is a lot of material here to read and to vet. In fact, a lot of this seems to be unorganized and off the point of the title. But there is a method to the madness; this is all background to the really important discussion coming up - Should Trump strike now? Can he strike now? Does Trump actually intend to Drain the Swamp, or is he just more kabuki theatre by the Deep State?
War moves faster than your preparations. No plan survives contact with the enemy.
In fact, as I mentally outlining the next blog, I think we might need to move to three parts...let's hope my Two Part plan survives!