My 1 month anniversary on steemit!! Reaching +300followers +300SP 🙏

Today, January 6 is my 1 month Anniversary here on Steemit!!!.

I joined Steemit on December 6 and my introduction post was on December 7.


I wanted to make a post commemorating my first month here on steemit and to share with you some of my experiences and a few thoughts I have about this platform.


The first thing I want to share with you is how thankful I am for the support I have been receiving from different communities and older users who are always very open when newbies required a little bit of help understanding the site, when I arrived it was a little bit complicated to understand how this site works.

The help, guidance and collaboration in the community is priceless

The amount of doubts that can be resolved just chatting with other people is awesome, and it paves the way for a proper interaction from the beginning. Starting on the right foot is always important.

I can say first hand, that the advices everyone says about making quality comments and being on the chat is the best way to start on steemit with the right foot.

One app that helps me be on top of new post that are interesting to me is the iOS app Steemify developed by @blockbrothers because it can notify you when other users make new posts, and also notify you when you receive a reply to your post or comments. Here is a screenshot so you can see what I mean:


I am really happy and thankful for my +300 followers in my first 30 days


And also for my +300SP although the huge pump in the SBD helped a lot with this.


I believe the best way in order to find support is to support others and engage with other people at every opportunity you have.

Always with a positive and honest vibe!

My thoughts about Steemit

Steemit is like a dream come true for me, a site where you can share, learn and meet interesting people that materialized itself at such the right moment because I was having a harsh time this last year, but now I am seem to have found a new light in here.

I think ideas like steemit will change the world and improve our future, seeing this technological shift up close and being part of it is something I never expected

For me it’s like if the universe itself was planning to show me this possibly life changing surprise. Perhaps our thoughts really end up attracting the things we want on our lives? Because sometimes I think they do, and steemit is the last example of this.

After experiencing steemit for one month, I can honestly say this concept of “tokenizing” content creation will end up taking over the whole social media space, at least in my humble opinion. It’s totally superior in every sense to the old concept in which the way to monetize is using ads and sometimes violating the privacy of the user like google does. I think there is simply no comparison, the new model will just inevitably surpass the old one.

I feel really lucky to be here and hoping for 2018 to be a great year for all of us.

And I bet 2018 will be even better than 2017 was.

This journey is just beginning...

Image sources

1, 2, 6

Every other images are my own

My resolution for 2018: I want to be in the top 10% of Steemit

The Life Lesson behind the touching story of the first photo ever captured and sent with a cell phone.

Receiving 2018 with my family

Sightings from the future: the society that awaits us, with AIs and robots.

Intelligence, what is it?

Cultural myths and taboos of modern society: “We only use 15% of our brain’s potential”

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