My resolution for 2018: I want to be in the top 10% of Steemit


My 2017


This year has been a period of big changes in my life. With ups, downs, and luckily the last few months I have enjoyed huge ups!

Finishing my studies allows me to have more free time and mind space

I started it with my mind focused on finishing my college studies so I could graduate and start to gain some independence. For those of you who don’t know, I am from Venezuela, and my country has been in a horrible political and economical shape for quite some time.

So finishing my college was very important for me in case I needed to leave the country fo find a better life, as many other Venezuelans have done this así few years, at an increasing rate each year.

The protests as you can see, were huge!

So my graduation was scheduled to mid year, around July and August, but regrettably around April a massive series of protests started, so big and violent that even my university stopped classes for about 4 months! Delaying our graduation act which is now due to March 2018.

Eventually, these protests were finished (without fixing any of the problems that cause them) and we restarted classes in September. Starting from here, the remaining months were good. Finished my studies, successfully defended my thesis, and then December arrives...

In December @jonsnow1983 told me to join what I believe is a life changing place, and I think you can guess what I am talking about ;)


I joined steemit on December 6 and I have been actively “steeming” since then. I believe this project can help me change my life and the life of my family for the better.

Before joining I was scared of 2018, now I am excited for it to arrived!

My resolution for 2018


Since this wise user @stackin recommended to be very ambitious with our goals, I will try to be ambitious but to also keep it on a achievable level if I work very hard.

-Being in the top 10% with the highest reputation of users in steemit. 10.jpg

-Learning how to trade cryptos and being successful at it. trade.png

-Creating my own business in my country distributing products (this will depend on what happens at a political level of course) business.jpg

-Actively help other people around my community in understanding and participating on Steemit so they can join us and hopefully, improve their lives. jelp.png

-Getting more fit and workout at least 4-5 times per week (I already started this one and planning to do it in 2018 the whole year) workout.jpg

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