Why forgiveness is important if we want to thrive?

Sometimes we go throw bad experiences that can cause permanent and invisible scars.


One of the biggest worries of our times, is leaving a better world for the younger generations. Everyday we hear news about horrible things happening all around the world and how our planet is being ruined thanks to our waste and mistakes.

Healing our planet is a necessity to ensure the survival of humanity. If instead of being frightened by what we can leave to the next generations, and we could have the certainty that we are leaving a better place for our heirs, we would know that we are on the right track.

Being emotionally healthy is key if we want to maintain a balanced and successful life

In order to heal our world we must first start with ourselves and the most important practices to succeed at this is forgiveness. Forgiveness is fundamental to bring harmony into everything that surrounds us.

When we do not forgive others for the injuries they have caused us, a new cycle of dense and heavy energy is created that will affect every area of our lives, some in a more notorious way than others. But the lack of forgiveness will be present in our entire being. Depending on the degree of resentment or pain we have experienced, this energy will feel heavier, and the effect will be more noticeable.

When we forgive, we break with this negativity, and release not only ourselves and the people directly involved, but also the next generations. Because yes, our grudges can be passed on to the next generation, and to the next. Until you decide to forgive, then this negativity is eliminated and things start to improve for everyone.

If we have resentment we will go through life with a weight constantly tearing our soul. We need to find a way to let go this resentment... Forgiveness is the way

Forgiveness is not to continue allowing the other to offend or affect me, but to become aware that you can set limits and choose a new way of living. It simply means putting aside those negative memories or feelings that caused us pain.

Forgiveness is an action that seems not to be so easy, this is why we need to be strong and brave in order to really embrace forgiveness. Even more if you have the belief that to forgive is to give power to other people. It actually is quite the contrary, forgiveness is an act of reconciliation with life. When you do not allow yourself to forgive, you are making your future more miserable.

What only a few people realize about forgiveness is that when you hold a grudge the first person most affected is not to whom we hold the grudge, but actually ourselves. Many times the other person does not know that you hold a grudge, and therefore she/he remains at peace with her/himself because that person does not keep any negative feelings against you.

How can forgiveness help us thrive?

When we forgive, our feelings towards the person who has hurt us will change, we will leave behind the past. Likewise, we will take away this person's power, because now it will no longer cause us harm, and we will grant more power to us, because our mood and energy will not depend on anyone else other than ourselves.

Once we start to free ourselves from our negative memories, we will feel more liberated than ever before

Forgiving does not mean that we have to forget what happened, or reconcile with the person who has hurt us, nor do we have to tell the person we have forgiven him or her.

Forgiving is all about freeing ourselves, and freedom allows us to be healthy, when we are healthy we can offer healing to our environment. When there is forgiveness there is harmony and balance. There is understanding and acceptance. They are all different expressions of love. And once we have understood that, then we will know that the next generations will be well and that our planet will be a better place for all.


It is important to recognize and accept all the negative emotions produced by the situation or the person who has offended us, we simply need to let them go.

Forgiveness then, is about freeing ourselves from our discomfort and negative emotions. Forgiveness brings us to inner peace, and improve our quality of life.

The best way to improve our world is by starting to heal ourselves from the inside, and help others heal too

Forgiveness frees us from pain and resentment and, most importantly, forgiveness helps us grow! We have the opportunity to transform negative experiences into a learning process with personal development.

To achieve well-being and inner peace, we must be able to forgive and truly meant it. The decision to forgive frees us from the emotional charge and from the negative emotions towards the person who has hurt us.

Managing to achieve a positive dynamic, and teach this to the younger generations is an easy and perfectly good way to try and make our world a better place. And we should start with this today, why wait? the sooner we start to vibrate with positive energies the sooner we will make an impact in the people around us. Changing the world for the better little by little.

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