Reflections On My Trans-Mongolia Train Journey: Health Is My New Wealth

The train journey for the Trans-Mongolia Adventure allowed me a lot of time to reflect on life in general. The longest stretch was from Irkutsk to Moscow which took 4 nights, I boarded the train on Thursday night and arrived in Moscow only on Monday noon time. As the train moved along slowly, passing tiny villages, small towns and cities, the tranquil scenery alternated between green lush meadows with colourful wild flowers and forests with tiny white tree trunks ( to me the trunks are tiny in comparison to tropical rainforests that we have in Borneo).

I am now 56 years plus and in another 3 more years I will retire. With my retirement, I would have served 35 years in the Government sector in various capacities and in various agencies, departments and ministries. I am not rich but I am financially secured, and with my retirement I will receive a government pension which will enabled to live a simple and relatively comfortable life.

Therefore at this point in my life, my health is my new wealth. I will treasure my health and make sure that I eat and sleep well with enough exercise. My weight has been hovering around 80kg (I may have lost around 1kg during my trip), and I intend to bring it down to 70kg in 6 months i.e. by end of February 2018. I have been having backache for quite sometime now. I will commit to an exercise routine that will help to strengthen my back.

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I have to make health a priority above my career and accumulation of wealth, as without good health I would not be able to enjoy the rest of my years. In fact without good health, my contribution at work would also decline drastically. With good health, I will still be able to travel more around the globe, something which I enjoyed tremendously. I will be able to care for my autistic son and work with him to improve his self-care skills. I will also be able to see my daughter get married and enjoy my role as a doting grandfather.

Follow me on my adventures.

Do check out my previous posts.

Is Taking Too Many Selfies A Symptom Of Mental Illness
God, You Are My Everything
Hidden Gems Of Magnificent Moscow Part 2: The Izmailovsky Market
Work Life Balance: Reality Or Myth?

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