Are We Taking Our Lives and Ourselves Too Seriously?

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It is undeniable that in our lives we have serious business and task to attend to. We take our careers, dreams and things that we value seriously. At the same time we want others to take us seriously as well. We want our presence and our contributions acknowledged and valued. There is nothing wrong with that. However in our desire to get things done and to be taken seriously by others, we often put on a mask, we try to appear primp and proper. In doing so, we end up being uptight and we don’t let our guards down most of the time.

Therefore the question arises “Are we taking our lives and ourselves too seriously such that we are missing out the fun in our lives?” That is a question that each one of us need to answer for ourselves. Can we be more laid back instead of stressed out? Have we forgotten to act goofy or act silly even among family and friends in the privacy of our homes?

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We should never underestimate the power of humor and laughter in our lives. In the busyness of our daily routine, we rush around trying to get our tasks and chores done and end up getting stressed out. We feel tense, our tempers become shorter and we tend to lash out at others. But if we inject a bit of humor and laughter in our lives, we become more relaxed, more laid back and more relieved and less stress out.

Humor and laughter can help us to look at things from a different perspective and thus help us make progress if we are stuck in a situation. If we are able to poke fun at ourselves and laugh at our life situations, the problems may seem less severe. In fact the problem or issue may not better in 1 or 2 years’ time. Through humor and laughter, the tunnel vision that we have developed may disappear and we may begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We are social beings and we valued our connections with others. Humor and laughter are able to enhance our relationship, help us to make better connections and forge stronger bonds with others. I can see this happening in Malaysia which is a multi-racial society comprising various races and cultures. Lat, a famous Malaysian cartoonist draws cartoons and caricature that poke fun at the Malaysian way of life. He manages to capture quirks and uniqueness of Malaysian society and helps Malaysians to laugh at themselves. It is not surprising that Lat is well liked and loved by all the different races. The society that is able to laugh together can progress together.

No doubt there is a time and place for everything. If we can poke fun at ourselves and take ourselves less seriously instead of pandering to the need to inflate our egos, we will be living happier and longer lives. Do share your thoughts with me, whether we are taking ourselves too seriously and do we have elevated sense of self-importance? How do you inject more humor and laughter in your lives? Please give your feedback in the comments section.

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