My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part 3: From The Intriguing Irkutsk, Siberia To Magnificent Moscow

This is the third part of my Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey which is from Iskutsk, Siberia to Moscow. I have already written about the first two parts namely My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part2: From The Wilderness Of Mongolia To Splendid Siberia and My Trans-Mongolia Pictorial Adventure Part 1: Escaping From Bustling Beijing To Ulanbatar. Compared to the first two journeys, the third journey was the toughest because my wife Roselind and I had to spent 5 days and 4 nights on the train. During this time, we had to take sponge bath as the second class compartment that we stayed do not have private bathrooms.

Since it would be a long journey, we made sure that we stacked up on our supplies. Instant noodles formed a regular part of our menu.

Throughout the journey, my Soviet coach mate ate this roasted chicken with bread for his meals. It was a whole chicken when the journey started.

This is one of the many stations that the train made stops.

Sometimes the train stopped at the station in the middle of the night.

The lush Soviet countryside.

Passengers buying their supplies at kiosks at the train station.

The long train journey gave me the opportunity to make new friends. This group of passengers are from Barcelona.

We shared the compartment with these two Russians men. We had a lot of time on the train and the language barrier did not deterred us from getting to know one another.

These two cute kids taught me to speak some Russian words and phrases.

I had a lot of free time on the train. My Soviet coach mates were visibly surprised when I decided to do a facial.

This lady brought two dogs with her on the train. Each time the train stopped, she would bring her dogs out for a walk. I was wondering who she was sharing her compartment with.

Passing by a goods train.

The railway tracks surrounded by greenery.

A beautiful sunset over the railway tracks.

Finally arriving at Moscow station after spending 5 days and 4 nights in the train.

After spending 5 days and 4 nights in the train, Roselind and I were so happy to arrive at Moscow. For me I had a lot of time for reflection and to write my thoughts. Most of the time, I try to just savor the moment by watching and enjoying the changing scenery. This is the time that I get to know the locals much better. Behind their unsmiling demeanor, they were actually quite helpful and kind. The train journey is as much a holiday and an adventure by itself. These will be the memories and stories that I can tell my grandchildren someday.

!steemitworldmap 55.771495 lat 37.599510 long From Intriguing Irkutsk To Magnificent Moscow D3SCR

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Do check out my previous posts.

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My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part2: From The Wilderness Of Mongolia To Splendid Siberia
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