Dare To Fail: Dream Big But Fail Small

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Today’s post is inspired by Billi Lim’s book “Dare To Fail”. The fear of failure is one of the major factors that prevent us taking actions to achieve our goals and dreams. But if we take a look at the successful people around us, we will find out that they have more failures than success. For each major breakthrough, they may have encountered a series of setbacks. Jack Ma for example was unable even to get a job at McDonald and KFC. But that did not stopped him from finding success with Alibaba. Therefore the question that we need to ask ourselves is this “Why are we so afraid of failing?”

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What Does Failure Mean To You?

Failure paralyzed us because of the meaning that we attached to it. If we defined failure as final and permanent, then we would try to avoid failure at all cost. It is as if we are only given one shot in life, if we failed once, we will never be able to succeed again.
However if we see failure as feedback, we are able to pick ourselves and try other course of action or options. Then we would have the courage to fail. Failure is only telling us that actions that we have taken had lead us in the wrong direction, learn from our failures and move on. Failure is an option but giving up is never, never, never an option. It is only when we give up that our failure becomes permanent. As the saying goes, winners never quit and quitters never win.

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Dream Big But Fail Small

When we have a dream for ourselves, make sure that we dream big. Give life all that we have and do not settle for anything less that we can be. And if we finally achieved our dreams, do not stop there but go for even bigger dreams.

So what do I mean by dreaming big but failing small? Success is a journey and this journey consists of a series of steps to be taken. The practical way of achieving our dreams is to break it into small doable actions that we can do on a daily basis. When we implement these actions, and we failed, we only failed small. It is very easy for us to pick ourselves up and continue to move towards our dreams.

My dream is to be a motivational blogger who is able to touch millions of lives. That is a very big dream but at this point in time I do not have to burn all my ships, quit my job and blog on line fulltime. What I need to do now is to produce quality content daily, find ways and means of spreading my message online and to build a following. Along the way, I have encountered a series of setbacks such as trying to find my niche, producing posts with very few views and most of all my lack of programing and coding skills. When I first started at Steemit, I did not let low views, almost zero earnings and lack of technical skills stopped me. Now as a veteran minnow, my posts has more views and higher earnings and I have picked up some technical skills along the way.

So what is failure to you? If you are able to overcome your fear of failure, what do you think you can achieve in your life? Do share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Do check out my previous posts.

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Wisdom From My Autistic Son: Turning Brick Walls Into Stepping Stones
Living The Life Of My Dreams
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Positive Reflections: Continue To Dream And Dream Big

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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