Positive Reflections: Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone

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I must admit that I do have some apprehension about embarking on my Trans-Mongolia Adventure which involved a 24-day journey across 3 countries where English is not commonly spoken more or less on my own. In fact some of my friends and relatives advised me against doing for this trip. You would never know what will happen, they reasoned and who would look after your autistic son. However, I have done my own research and groundwork and found out it is generally safe provided that basic precautions are being adhered to .In addition, both me and my wife bought travel insurance in case of any eventualities. However, during this trip, I met a Korean girl who has her hand phone pick pocketed in Ulaan Bator and a Chinese tourist related an incident where her friend was pick pocketed when he arrived in Moscow at the train station. Even these incidents will not deter me from taking future trips.

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So in life if we want to improve our present situation, we must be willing to get out of our comfort zone. If we keep on doing the same old things daily, we will keep on getting the same results. Therefore in order to progress further, we must be willing to do same things in new ways as well as do new things. When it comes to doing new things, it is normal to have some fears and there maybe some risks as well. However if we have done our research and groundwork, we should be able to take calculated risks. We have to decide when to listen to that little voice in your heart and take a leap of faith. We need to constantly challenge ourselves if we want to move forward.

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Thank You Lord (An Original Poem)
Positive Reflections: Be Kind To Others And Myself
Reflections On My Trans Mongolia Train Journey: Less Materials Is More
Newbie Nuggets: Using Spectacles To Enhance Engagement With My Followers

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