Newbie Nugget: Using Spectacles To Enhance Engagement With My Followers.

I have not written a newbie nugget post for quite a while. Recently there has been a surge of new users coming to this platform and therefore it is timely to write a newbie nugget now.

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The Importance Of Followers

The attention economy is prevalent in the internet and on Steemit as well. There are just too many things on line that compete for our limited attention. At Steemit, there are hundreds of thousands of articles, and my articles will be buried in that pile. My article will appear on the feed of my followers just like my Facebook post will appear in my Facebook friends’ news feed. Therefore the more followers I have, the more exposure my articles will get and I will be able to reach a wider audience. Furthermore, my followers can vote, comment and better still resteem my post.

More votes will mean more earnings. The comments given by my followers will make my contents more rich and interactive. The best part is, if my followers resteem, my post will even reach a wider audience.. Please note that there may be random users who happen to come across my article, and they too may vote, comment or resteem my post. The challenge to me is how to convert these random users into my followers.

For proof on the importance of followers, just take a look at the trending page. These are the articles that are earning thousands of dollars. These articles maybe on different topics but the common factor is that each of these trending authors have lots of followers.

Introducing Spectacles

I was fortunate to come across spectacles which was developed by @pilcrow and @sjennon. The website for spectacles can be found on . The main advantage of this app is that I am able to track the activities of my followers and then figure out strategies on how to engage better with them. To me, this is an improves version of SteeMVP

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When I logged into the website, I discovered some shocking statistics. I have a total of 1244 followers. However out of this total, 268 of them are dead followers meaning that they have not been active at Steemit for at least 1 month. Another 750 of them are ghost followers. These are active Steemians who have not engaged (read not voted) with me for my last 100 posts. Effectively I have only 226 followers who are active and loyal. A typical post of mine has around 60-70 votes which is around 24% of my active followers. A total of 750 ghost followers represent 60% of my total followers and I need to engage with them again so that they will respond to my posts more positively. I intend to do actively this for the next two weeks and I will post the results here. Since these followers had previously shown interest in my posts, my efforts are better spend engaging with them rather than chasing new followers.

As for my followers who had been actively and loyally following me, I would like to say that I really appreciate your support. I would like to give a big shout out to them as a token of my appreciation. So a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to @billykeed @karenmckersie @timbot606 @edje @centerlink @robyneggs @digitaldollar @ace108 @maya7 @krystle @ausbitbank @gearup @bitrocker2020 @journeyoflife @inphiknit @cryptodan @coloringiship @virtualgrowth @vaibhavshah @sinned @spbesner @amarvaran @mrsquiggle @rarcntv @yusaymon @howtostartablog @perennial @kiwideb @oleg326756 @scooter77 @patelincho @bboyady @gohba.handcrafts @thecryptofiend @kevinwong @merej99 @leconnaisseur @xxsenpaixsamaxx @aksinya @barcisz @betamusic @canadian-coconut @hopehuggs @littlenewthings @rkrijgsman @sergey44 @streetstyle @choogirl @clayboyn @freeze @melancholee @paps @shadowspub @yoganarchista @christ2169 @cynetyc @elizacheng @greatdabu @jerrytsuseer @jovic @mammasitta @doitvoluntarily @elizahfhaye @happymoneyman @kvmin @pickoum @shellany @zaragast @aishwarya @brianphobos @cikxaijen @d-pend @darkminded153 @gbenga @genuinity @mgibson @silviabeneforti @amreshchandra @christoryan @elstevano @freeinthought @gangster.inc00 @justtryme90 @lymorgan @ogoowinner @papa-pepper @pathforger @shellyduncan @spinbunny @thesimplelife @vibvir @walterz @allgoodthings @beautifuldevil @cloh76 @dante31 @develcuy @edith4angelseu @ericvancewalton @everlove @firesteem @fronttowardenemy @ines-f @izmini @jwoox1991 @lexikon082 @lightsplasher @nelyp @shredlord @steemed-open @stranger27 @strangerarray @tegoshei @vandigital @wordsword @yanik @zebu @acromott @arizonawise @creatr @curiesea @dylanhobalart

So do take a few minutes to check out Spectacles, track the activities of your followers and then engage more effectively with them. I am sure you will be duly rewarded.



Do check out my previous posts.

Reflections On My Trans-Mongolia Train Journey: Health Is My New Wealth
Is Taking Too Many Selfies A Symptom Of Mental Illness
God, You Are My Everything
Hidden Gems Of Magnificent Moscow Part 2: The Izmailovsky Market
Work Life Balance: Reality Or Myth?

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

If you like my writing please up-vote, share and comment. Please help me to spread the message of positivity and support on Steemit by resteeming this post.

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