Information Finding Championship round 1 tie breaker results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

This round is a default win for @kryptocek because @sophiabydesign never entered and has not been active on steemit to my knowledge. A rather undramatic conclusion, but.. It is what it is.
Congrats kryptocek!

Oh also. I made mistake the other day and it wasn't just noisyboy who won round 7, it was actually a tie with @bashadow and I've already sent the steem to both of their accounts.

This was an embarrassing mistake for me especially as we are just getting started and I hope it's the only time something like that has happened or will ever happen. I guess I was just really tired, I don't even know how it happened, I must have been incredibly exhausted or something.. But thankfully one of the contestants caught it and we made the proper adjustments.

I'm trying to make this as open and transparent as possible, so if you ever notice anything wrong or have any ideas on how to make things work better, please feel free to suggest any ideas! We will definitely listen and consider any proposals.

So far here are the stats for the competition..

                  Level - Wins

bashadow 3 - 3
kryptocek 2 - 2
auminda 1 - 1
noisyboy 1 - 1

Right now the levels and wins are synched up, but in the future I plan to add side quests and things where you could gain or perhaps even lose a level. So in the future, I don't plan for the wins and levels to be lined up, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the next season if we have competitors from both seasons participating.

In the near future I hope to put out a simplified set of rules and also I want to do a "catch up" round to try to encourage new people to get in and play, now that we officially have a sponsor that is going to help some of the rounds, we're definitely ready for a bigger pool of players!

Also.. For anyone interested I want to remind you that we now have a discord channel set up which should make a lot of this easier and more organized! If you'd like to chat or get more diverse and efficient information on the IFC, you can join us at this link.

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.


Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook

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