The corn fried shrimps 金玉满堂-虾仁爆炒玉米粒

Corn and beans are rich in nutritions, with beautiful colors, fried corns with shrimps not only have the good looking, but also have the delicious taste. This is one of the dishes I made on the new year’s eve. It is named gold and jade fill the hall, means bringing in wealth and treasure to your home.


The method of cooking is also simple. In the market, buy some corn and green beans and the carrots are cut into pieces. Put them in the boiling water , then take them out. marinate in the wine, salt, and starch for about 10 minutes.

Heat the pot , first fried the shrimps , then put the corn with beans , carrots, some soy sauce, sugar, salt , then on the plate.

After the Spring Festival, we began to work hard again. I hope everyone can relax, eat healthily, enjoy yourselve and work happily !


做法也及其简单,市场上买来玉米粒和青豆,胡萝卜切成丁。并用开水料好。大虾去掉虾线,切成大点的块。 放料酒,盐,淀粉腌制10分钟左右。


年后上班, 大家又开始了紧张的工作,紧张忙碌之余,希望大家能够放松心情,吃的健康, 玩的健康,工作心情愉快!

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Golden fish dumplings bless you a happy new year ! 金鱼饺子送祝福!

Thanks for your reading and hope to continue upvoting ,following &resteem @bxt.

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