The longest escalator in Prague – Namesti Miru underground station. 布拉格最長的扶手電梯 - Namesti Miru地鐵站

Hello friends,

Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I am very much in favor of using underground as the primary type of transportation in Prague as it is cheap, convenient and fast. What you probably do not know is that the longest escalator in Prague, possibly in Europe is at Namesti Miru underground station. It is 87 meters long with a vertical span of 43 meters and takes 2 minutes and 20 seconds to ascend/descend without walking. The construction of the station was done in the years of 1973 – 1978. Me and my sister were always excited to get on/off at Namesti Miru station to enjoy this long escalator ride, lol…. If you wish enjoy this short YouTube video made by Prague Morning. Have a great day and keep on steeming!


關注我有一段時間的朋友都知道,我在布拉格首選的交通工具就是地鐵,因為它不但便宜,還十分方便和快捷。不過你可能不知道的是,在Namesti Miru站有著全布拉格,或許整個歐洲最長的扶手電梯。它有87米長,立升跨度43米,如果你不在上面走的話需要2分半才能到達電梯的另一邊。這個站建造於1973-1978年間。以前,我和我的妹妹十分期待在這個站下車,好享受長長的電梯之旅!哈哈!如果有興趣的話,可以看看這個Prague Morning製造的Youtube短片。祝大家有愉快的一天,繼續steeming!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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