What IS a Horoscope? -- Part 2

Part 1


Private, introverted, self-directed

If you've ever had a natal chart done -- and can put your hands on it after all this time -- there are some other things that a "first glance" at a chart will tell about you. Planets placed in the bottom half of the circle (or "below the horizon" in your chart) are elements you will use in conducting your personal affairs and private life.

If you have most of your planets here, this indicates a very subjective personality, someone focused intently on personal growth -- sometimes to the point of ignoring the outer world and outside circumstances.

This can denote an extremely private, self-contained, inwardly directed character. Things outside yourself are less eventful, less interesting to you than what is happening in yourself and in the circumstances of your individual world. You will have rather narrow interests, a noticeably "domestic" orientation, and could be fairly described as moody and introspective.



Public, extroverted, outwardly directed

Planets in the top half of the circle (or "above the horizon" in your chart) are elements you will use in conducting your public life. If you have most of your planets there, your soul is seeking growth and learning experiences primarily through social encounters.

Matters of authority, career, social networking, and mutually controlled resources (all things not entirely under your own exclusive direction) will be of primary concern to you. You are more objective than subjective -- to the point, in extreme cases, of lacking an inward focus.

If you have most of your planets here, your interests and achievements may be quite ambitious and impressive, for out in the public arena, you are more likely (and perhaps more encouraged) to do things in a big way. After all, you want to attract the attention of the outside world.

You are likely quite independent, considered to be "your own person," proud of your image, and probably would call yourself a "lucky" individual. You are probably focused into professional areas -- or activities that will bring you recognition and status in the outer world. Your own leadership and authority are issues for you ... and you are actively looking for public approval and recognition.



Destiny creating

Planets on the left hand side of the circle (or "rising" -- ascending -- in your chart) are metaphorical elements you will consider to be very much under your own personal direction and control. They represent qualities and energies you use directly to manufacture your life, its experiences and conditions. Planets placed here let you "call your own shots."

If you have most of your planets here, you have what astrologers call a "destiny creating" chart. This pattern gives you the power to operate with a free hand, with little need (or perhaps even little ability) to take other people into account.

You will depend on very little outside yourself, your resources, your intelligence, your creative instincts, your intuitive talents, and your personal charisma to get you what you want in life. But you can be strangely (and infuriatingly, for those who have to deal with you) lacking in the ability to relate objectively to others.


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Carving your own path

You feel you are responsible to yourself (and perhaps no one else), that you create your own life and luck out of your own gumption, your own boldness and abilities, and your own willingness to pursue matters you find or initiate to their desired conclusion.

Your self-reliance will be formidable. Your personal path is that of your personal choice. You may, however, have problems managing yourself wisely -- and have a tendency for taking on too much, because you inherently feel so capable and so much in control of your own destiny.

A karmic astrologer would point to this as a life in which you are shaping the conditions and lessons you will encounter in the future.



Destiny reaping

Planets in the right hand side of the circle (or "setting" -- descending -- in your chart) are elements you will consider to be very much out of your hands, beyond your own personal direction and control. They represent qualities and energies that are brought into your life by other people, their choices, their needs, their actions.

You may often feel that other people "pull your strings" -- and there's not a lot you can do except respond. Your life may seem re-active, rather than active. You often may feel more a victim of fate or circumstances than the "captain of your own soul's journey."

If you have most of your planets here, you have what astrologers call a "destiny reaping" chart. This pattern gives you a lot of people in your life that you can utilize for mutual benefit.

But it does mean that you necessarily must take them into account, that you may often find your life is "not entirely your own" to manage as you choose, and that you are often dependent on the responses and contributions of these other people to make progress, solve problems, or get your own needs met.

Along with the arrival of "other people" into the equation of your experience, come the "relationship issues and problems" they represent.


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A life devoted to others

You look to others for direction, advice, moral support, and general input. You may find (or feel) you are often not able to act without some preliminary stimulation or condition that is provided by "someone else." It can lead to major issues of dependency, in some cases, and major feelings of being "jerked around and whiplashed" in the more extreme examples.

It may be hard to manufacture self-confidence and self-direction when this pattern describes your life. Personal initiative may be lacking -- and you may also have problems with self-awareness, self-definition, and even self-image.

Much of this will be constantly filtered through the information and perspectives provided by others. You may feel your life is strangely "controlled" or "fated" by situations in which you played very little part arranging. You may feel that you are often imposed on by the requirements and crises of others -- and that most problems in you life are caused by other people, not you.

A karmic astrologer would point to this as a life in which you are experiencing the conditions and lessons you fashioned for yourself in the past.


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A map of the sky ... and more

This, then, is the merest tip of the iceberg of what a horoscope can say about a person, available, as I said, at a glance. A horoscope is the collection of structure and symbols that are blended to interpret the quirks, interests, talents, flaws, character, and destiny of a person, an event, or whatever.

The short answer to the question in the title of this article is: a horoscope is a map of the sky, a snapshot taken at the moment of birth. The greater answer, however, is this: a horoscope is the blueprint of the energy unfolding from a point of creation in time -- be that a marriage, a new job, a new business structure, a decision -- or the arrival back into material reality of an evolving human soul.


Thank you for stopping by!

If you've always known there was more to Astrology than Sun Sign material and the three line daily horoscope in the newspaper, climb aboard and follow this blog. You'll find a world of wisdom detailing how you were designed to work with life ... and why you are the way you are -- all in quick-to-read, easy-to-digest-and-remember, written-in-plain-English essays that offer plenty of food for thought.

Little by little, I'm doing a set of articles that talks about all the elements in your horoscope and what they have to say about you. If you "know something" about Astrology -- or know something about your chart placements, that will help you get more from this material.

If you don't ... well, this is one place you can learn. We all have to start somewhere ... because we aren't born knowing this stuff. Meanwhile, if you've never seen your horoscope ... and don't have a clue how to work with it, maybe it's time to find out. There are lots of "chart services" on the internet -- some of whom produce decent, readable charts "for free" and some are so awful and confusing that even I can't read them easily -- and I've worked with charts for decades.

One extremely user-friendly chart site is here: AstroLabe. I recommend them if you want a simple, easy-to-read chart. I think they even give a reasonable little interpretive reading of your horoscope as part of the package. You'll need to know your birth information -- day, month, year, time and geographical place. Without all that your chart will have limited accuracy.

Or, if you want to get serious and really talk about this, upvote this post and start a conversation in the comments section sometime in the next six days from the time of publication. We'll go from there depending on what you want to know.


Questions about any of this? -- Upvote this post and talk to me in comments. It's a terrific way to build value for yourself and the community ... and it will give me ideas of what to write about in future posts. Believe me there is lots to say about the way The Sun, The Moon -- and all the other elements in a horoscope, all the other components of Astrology -- work together to interpret you and your story -- and what it all means to the person you've become.

This is who I am.


About the art in our visual essays ...

Although sometimes the background pictures in our visual essays support the topic and text, they don't always. Sometimes the connection is clear. Sometimes it's symbolic and subtle. Sometimes, there's no connection at all.

The scenes depict landscapes and natural features, buildings and wildlife. They were chosen because they show something lovely or interesting ... or simply because the photo appealed to me.

Our spectacular and remarkable planet is changing at astonishing speed. Rarely are these changes for the better. Few people seem to know ... or care ... or have the will and power to do anything about this. It may not be long before the world humans have known and lived in for centuries is forever lost. We certainly won't be able to make repairs as fast as we destroyed it.

So a few years ago I began collecting pictures of the way things were ... and still are for now, a record of the beauty we have while it is still ours to love and honor.

The photos here are part of that collection, with sincere thanks to the artists who saw these moments ... and with their cameras ... preserved them. All of us at Enchanted Spirit are profoundly grateful to them for their generosity and skill ... and for the added grace, depth and dimension their art brings to ours.

Original images used under this Creative Commons license or this Creative Commons license and modified by added text.



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