Day 129: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: fingernail - Broken Part 5 - A continuation of Lola's story

Lola sat at the kitchen table across from a plate full of cookies, digging her fingernails into the aged wood. Each imprint created a little half-moon. She had just discovered that if she arranged it just right...she could shape a flower.

"Lola, are you even listening?" her mother asked impatiently. "This insurance paperwork needs your attention. They keep insisting that without the proper..."

Lola dug a little deeper with her thumbnail, and applied more pressure, and harder still until her nail bent backwards. She lifted her thumb to examine the white line that had now formed over her pink nail bed.

"...So if we don't send them want they're asking for, you want get anything. Not one dime. I think I'll call a lawyer. Who's that guy on T.V? What's his name? The one your dad calls a soulless ginger...doesn't make sense...he has red hair too..." she prattled on as she made her way to the phonebook. "And please eat a cookie."

Lola glanced at the plate of cookies and her stomach rolled. Kyle wouldn't have made her eat protein cookies that tasted like cardboard...he would have baked her a fresh batch of pumpkin raisin, her favorite. The tears began to well in her eyes, and she couldn't control the onslaught of thoughts she had tried so hard to stifle.

He would have baked cookies. He would've held my hair as I threw them back up. He would've touched my belly and sung some horrible rock song to our baby.

She glanced at the forms on the table through blurry eyes.

He would know how to fill these stupid papers out! He would have taken care of it all. If he was here.

But if he was here, there would be no forms, no lawyers. I'd be home!
But he's not...he's not because...I killed him...I killed him...

Black swept over Lola's eyes as her gripped loosened from the table, and she slid from the chair to the hard tile floor.

Thank you so much from reading! I hoped you enjoyed it! Full disclosure, this one may have been longer than 5 minutes haha. If you would like to read more of Lola to get a fuller picture, I've linked the parts below!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

If you would like to start freewriting with the prompts, visit @mariannewest or click the link to learn more!

With much love,
Stacie D

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