As a newbie who have played Steemit for merely two months, I have been trying to do everything to earn as much money as possible. I post almost every day and try to make connections with people, as well as joining meaningful projects like Minnow Support Project and #whalepower tag. Here is the proof of my hard work:
More than 1500 posts I have made and more than 700 followers, I bet I am doing better than average minnows. It also shows HOW HARD I have worked on this platform.
You can also figure out how I am doing these days by looking at this chart on steemwhales.
However, I can tell you that I just focused on thinking new topics to post every day and that made me a bit tired, and sometimes I run out of new ideas. Most importantly, I completely overlooked the POWER OF CURATION REWARDS, with more than 850 SP now, I started to realise its power.
If you are a really good curator, sometimes you can earn MORE than upvoting your own posts or comments. Most importantly, it's much easier! It's quite frustrating to get a few cents for a post that has spent you so much time and effort, isn't it? On the other hand, you just need to press a button when you discovered some quality content, nearly effortless!
But here's the problem, how can we get the most curation rewards?
Most of us know that it's ideal to vote around 27-30 minutes so that you can get around 90%-100% of the curation rewards, but how to choose which post to curate?
I guess most of us have the following experience(I did too):
We follow some great authors, for example, @sweetsssj, and we notice that her new post just uploaded around 30 minutes ago with less than $100 rewards. I guess most of us would think that her post usually worth more than $1000 and it is an awesome opportunity to earn some curation rewards WITHOUT EVEN READING HER POST. But I can tell you that YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG.
Here is the proof, both posts I upvoted with 100% voting power 30 minutes after posting:
WHATTTTT? Upvoting a $25 post can get much much more curation rewards than a $1000+ post!???
Yes, it's obvious and it's not hard to understand, but we just IGNORE it all the time. You have to share the curation rewards with a thousand and more people. Ask yourself why Steemit needs to give you much curation rewards if EVERYONE KNOWS SHE IS A GOOD AUTHOR, you made NO DISCOVERY OF GOOD CONTENT, zero contribution to the whole community.
I am not saying that you should not like the well-known authors' posts, good posts deserve upvotes, but don't think that you can earn much curation rewards. If you want to achieve more, you should eagerly look for other good contents.
I guess most of us have experienced a feeling like "Why I get only a few bucks(or even cents) for a post that I put so much effort in? WHY NO ONE UPVOTES ME? Why others can get dozens, hundreds or even thousands? This is such an unfair platform!"
Well, then I can tell you that YOU SHOULD BLAME YOURSELF for making this situation, we all help make it. It's because we just focus on making our own posts, hoping others to upvote it but at the same time we never seriously read others' posts and upvote them.
So, are you willing to make a change today? Try to read others' post and eagerly looking for good content on Steemit.
Want to earn more Curation rewards?
The simpliest way to do so is FOLLOW ME, as I will always try to write and resteem good quality posts only from now on! And I am not a well known author. :p Thanks for reading it, let's make discover good contents and make Steemit a better platform together.
At last, if you want more people to see this post and change the game, RESTEEM IT!!!
More about me:
If you want to know more about me, please look at my introduction post. :)
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回到重點,談談curation rewards,也就是最近Steem Power開始有點增長才發現curation rewards的威力,有時候還比投自己票賺得更多rewards呢,當然賺的都是SP啦。
但可能我們大部分人都誤解了curation rewards的真正意義。你有試過坐在屏幕前等30分鐘投甜心大神的帖子,只為了賺取curation rewards 嗎?這沒問題,但你真的每次也有看她的帖子內容嗎?
看上面的圖你就能發現可能你投一個最後只值$25的帖也比投一個$1500的帖所賺的curation rewards還多。畢竟可有1400多人和你瓜分奬勵,而另一邊廂則只有17人。我不像O大哥會從代碼找線索,就只能傻傻地比較啦。 /_\
當然我不是說不要說不要把票投出名的作者或甜心大神啦,我可不想被誤會,會死人的 lol,好帖當然應該得到它們應有的奬勵,只是我們也不該忘記在Steemit的文字海裏找出真正高質的內容,貢獻社區之餘也好順便賺一下奬勵。
P.S. 小弟不是出名的作者,我的文章都沒多少人拜讀哦,要砸就把票砸我吧!
這次應該不會又弄錯出大糗了吧?我都有心理陰影了。 T^T