@tribesteemup 已经取消downvote, 我也经取消 downvote back

前文涉及的 downvote back ,已经取消:

The downvote back mentioned in the post has been cancelled:
近期 @tribesteemup 的点赞价值将被抹去,除非他取消对我的downvote | hive同步链接

不过部分已经或即将列入 @steemflag 的账号除外,这些账号已经在之前就有过downvote 我的记录。

Except for some accounts that have been or will be flagged in @steemflag, these accounts have downvotes on my posts before.


  1. @pundito (flagged,22%): @pundito/re-steemflag-qazhph
  2. @ericwilson (flagged,22%): @ericwilson/qaylub
  3. @slobberchops (will flagged,22%): @slobberchops/re-steemflag-qaz8o5
  4. @freebornangel (no flagged,44%): @freebornangel/this-week-in-biohacking-1
  5. @freebornangel (no flagged,50%): @freebornangel/can-i-get-an-app

以下用户的downvote已经取消,并且赠送 1% upvote 作为礼物。

The downvote of the following users has been cancelled and 1% upvote has been given as a gift.
@moeknows @creatr @andrewmarkmusic @julianhorack @fenngen @papa-pepper @nainaztengra @joshsigurdson @paradigmprospect @bewithbreath @revisesociology @bdcommunity

我还没有对如下用户执行 downvote (back),如果这些用户之前没有 downvote 我帖子的记录,我也不会首先对他们使用 downvote (back)。

I haven't executed the downvote (back) for the following users. If these users don't have the record of downvote on my post before, I won't use the downvote (back) for them first.
@doitvoluntarily @creativeblue @bewithbreath @tonysayers33 @squirrelbait @d0zer @whatsup @kennyskitchen @julianhorack @andrewmarkmusic


@tribesteemup 已经取消downvote, 我也经取消 downvote back | hive同步链接


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