What makes Winsted Connecticut unique: Small town and Rolling hills

What makes Winsted Connecticut unique: Small town and Rolling hills


Half a mile into the woods, no one around besides the wind blowing the crisp fall air, I lay on the ground, looking up at the trees swaying, while yellow and orange leaves rain down around me. My house I grew up in is a half-mile away, but here in the woods, I feel at home. When I think of makes my hometown unique, these are the memories that come to mind.

I was born in Winsted, Connecticut (Google Map Link). This little burb, located in the northwest corner of the state, is nestled amongst rolling hills on the edge of the New York State and Massachusetts, where they connect. Fun fact, Radar O' Riley from the TV show MASH was born one town over in Norfork. Yes, that is our claim to fame!


Located on two major highways (Route 8 and Route 44), most people stop for lunch in Winsted, and that's it. The city lacks a distinct character. Most people would drive through this small town without giving it a second thought... after lunch and a quick look, that is.

There are a few features that make Winsted Connecticut unique to me. The first of which is that it has four solid seasons—each season at three months that each has a distinct flavor.

The winter in Connecticut is brutally cold. You warm yourself with wood-filled fires, and on occasion, have to shovel a couple of feet of snow. Meanwhile, the spring brings a blossoming of flowers with a mix of chilly days and warm days. Into the summer months when it gets hot while kids are swimming rivers and lakes; these days seem to go on forever until the leaves change. Then arrives my favorite season... The fall. I genuinely feel this is the ideal time a year.


  • Home in the winter

The hills transform from deep greens into those golden yellows and deep orange hues. Walking in the forest on no particular path, the rustling of leaves your feet, colorful fall foliage around you, it is these moments that I have never experienced anyplace else but in Winsted, Connecticut.

At any time of the year, if you venture off the main road, take a few bends and head a few more miles down the back streets, this is where the beauty of nature opens up. There are many hidden hiking trails, rivers, and peaceful vistas that sing. That song gets even louder in the fall when the mountains and hills change to yellows and golden colors, as mentioned above.

It has a feeling that even though you are perhaps 10 miles from any small town, you still feel as though you are lost in the great outdoors.

One place that not too many people know about is Campbell Falls, State Park (Google Map Link). Located on the CT/Mass borderline, these falls provide a gem of a swimming hole in the summer, and in winter, it is an ice-filled wonderland. I spend many a day hiking with friends around these falls, and some contemplative walks on my own.


Dotted with many small natural parks like this is another element that makes the northwest corner is unique. Locations, you would miss unless you know. But sites nonetheless to go hiking that have exquisite beauty.

I do miss my home town from time to time. I hope to visit it again this fall.

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