Draw on Blockchain : Takoyako 章魚燒

After writing the last food photography post about the CNY flower market, I want to eat TAKOYAKI!!😆I have a little takoyaki iron pan at home. Just like a normal pan but with nine holes like what we can see at takoyaki booth. I make it quite well :P Can turn over the takoyaki ball perfectly (usually). Homemade takoyaki can add different favors and toppings. I like adding mentaiko (red fish roe), kimchi. Also, with many many seaweed, katsuobushi (dried‐bonito shavings) and mayonnaise😋 Want to eat now!

寫完上一個食物攝影的文章後,突然好想吃章魚燒😆 家裡有一個小章魚燒鐵鑊。就像普通鑊一樣用,上面多九個半圓洞而己~我覺得自己弄得蠻好的,大概九成以上能翻成可愛的小丸子形狀:P 自己燒可以加好多口味,份量也可以很放肆~好像明太子、泡菜做餡。上面也可以加超多的海苔和木魚片😋好想吃啊!

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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