LiskCoin分紅的補充|Update on getting LiskCoin dividend

Hello everyone, do you remember that last month I have made a post on the tutorial on how to get LiskCoin dividends by voting the delegate for the member of Liskelite ? And if you have read my post and interested by that at that time, I bet now you have more than 3 times of profit. And if you have not, that’s still fine, as I still think the LiskCoin is worth to invest.

大家好,不知道大家還記不記得我大概在一個月前分享了一個關於LiskCoin分紅的教學?只要大家 在受托人機制當中向Liskelite的成員投票,他們就會根據你持有的LiskCoin數目作出分紅。如果那個時候你因此對LiskCoin感到興趣,我相信你現大概有三倍的升幅了吧。如果沒有也沒關係,以現在的價值來說,我覺得LiskCoin還是值得投資的。

And recently, I was asked by some of my friend saying that they don’t get the expected dividends from the Liskelite. And I was quite shock at the very beginning, as I am afraid there would be technical problem for the LiskCoin. However, thanks that I found out where the problem is and which is mainly about the voting on the delegates. So, I would like to provide you some update on the procedure for your vote on the delegate.


Actually, the voting procedure has no change. You can first refer to my first post with the link provided in the first paragraph. In that post, I said that you have to vote all the delegate for the member of the Liskelite, and you just need to simply vote the first 1-99 delegate, which will cover all the member of Liskelite.


And the problem was here, previously, some of the member of Liskelite had failed their rank down, which means that they cannot remind to first 1-99 delegate’s position. So, if you just simply vote the delegate for 1-99, you cannot cover all the member of Liskelite.


So, when you first vote the delegate, please kindly follow the additional step for your voting procedure. Fisrt, after we register the official wallet on, you should then go to Liskelite to check the list of all member which you have to vote. You may refer to the below screen capture. Please kindly focus on the user name for your vote, and don’t focus on the rank it provided.

所以,如果你是第一次投票,請參考以下的額外步驟。首先,在我們完成了我們 的錢包註冊後,你先要看一下Liskelite的成員名單以確定你到底需要向誰投票。你可以參考下面的截圖,在投票時,請專注在用戶名稱上,不要專注在用戶的排名上。


Then, you should go back to your wallet and continue the voting of the delegates. You should find the user name for Liskelite to vote. Remember I told you don’t focus on the rank provided by Liskelite? You may find the below screen capture, and compare with the screen capture above which I capture them in the same hour. For user name “luiz”, his rank according to Liskelite is number 2, but you can see in the wallet, he is at number 3. If you vote according to the rank, you will probably vote the wrong person.

然後,你就可以返回錢包之中去向受托人投票了。你應該在名單中找尋Liskelite的成員名字來投票。記得我剛剛告訴你別專注於用戶的排名嗎?你可以對比一下下面畏上面的截圖,我是在同一個小時中截下的。用戶 “luiz”,根據Liskelite 提供的排名是第二位,可是你在錢包中看到的是第三位。所以,如果你是依著排名來投票的話,你大概就要投錯給別人了。


And after you have vote them all, please refer to the last step in my previous post, you will be required to register an account for Liskelite. I am not sure whether you can login immediately, if it cannot, you should login after 1 or 2 days by this LINK. After you login, you can see your account status.



After we click Your Vote, you can see your voting status as below screen capture. You should scroll down to check whether you have vote the delegate from Liskelite. If it was properly voted, you can see a green tick is beside the user name. If it was not voted, a red cross would appear next to the user name, and please go back to your wallet to vote the missing member. After that, it should be all done, and you could simply sit down and enjoy your dividend.

當我們點選 Your Vote的時候,你可以看到你投票的狀況。如果你有好好的向那位Liskelite的成員投了票的話,他的用戶名稱旁會有一個綠色的勾。如果你沒有投或是投錯了,他的名字旁就會有一個紅色的交叉,那你就雖要回你的錢包去補投那名成員了。而這就完成了,你可以好好的坐下來,享受你的分紅了。


Hope this article could help most of you to solve your problem during the voting procedure. And please remember, if you have properly voted previously, you don’t have to vote it again!


May the coins be with you.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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