King of the Walking Dead - Trial by Comics "Zombies"

I tried to finish my second entry for the Trial by Comics last night but I could not, the dream beat me and I left it for today. My second drawing for the contest of @kommienezuspadt is a mix between Rick Grimes of The Walking Dead and a white walker of Game of Thrones, only that instead of riding a horse it rides on a Zombie Wolf.

This is the King of the Dead Walkers that through its magic scepter can control any creature turning it into a Zombie and thus try to kill the humans who remain in a world full of hungry dead.

I could only make two entries for this week's theme, it's a shame because the theme of the Zombies attracts me a little.

Thank you for viewing my new drawing and feel free to comment if you liked it or not.

Happy beggining of week to all!!!

Gif of Drawing Process

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