遊完和歌山市, 我們一路向下走, 到了白浜!
白浜擁有漂亮的海岸線, 是溫泉聖地, 也有不同的自然景點可以參觀!
今天, 我就會集中介紹白浜!
After Wakayama city, we keep running to south side and arrived Shirahama town!
Shirahama have beautiful coastline, famous area for hot springs and also several natural spot to visit!
Today, I will focus on introduce Shirahama!! :)
白浜位於和歌山市的南邊, 沿海岸線發展! 擁有未被破壞的自然景觀, 有水清沙細的海灘!因為近海, 更有豐富的新鮮海產!
我們到白浜後馬上到了とれとれ市場, 市場內定時會有即場解魚, 更可以即解即買, 十分新鮮!
とれとれ市場有新鮮的海產, 也有一些可以當伴手禮的乾貨, 另外也有用餐區, 方便我們買了刺身壽司後可以當場享用!!
Shirahama located at Wakayama city's south side, developement along the coastline! Have the unspoiled natural landscapes, the best beach with clear water and fine sand!! Also provided lots of fresh seafood because of near the ocean!
We went to Tore Tore Market when we arrive Shirahama, they held fish cutting section regularly and we can choose at the time they cut and keep the fresh taste!!
Tore Tore market provided fresh seafood, some dried seafood products for tourist as souvenirs and they set up the dining area for visitor dine in after purchase from the market!
我們到白浜後馬上到了とれとれ市場, 市場內定時會有即場解魚, 更可以即解即買, 十分新鮮!
とれとれ市場有新鮮的海產, 也有一些可以當伴手禮的乾貨, 另外也有用餐區, 方便我們買了刺身壽司後可以當場享用!!
Shirahama located at Wakayama city's south side, developement along the coastline! Have the unspoiled natural landscapes, the best beach with clear water and fine sand!! Also provided lots of fresh seafood because of near the ocean!
We went to Tore Tore Market when we arrive Shirahama, they held fish cutting section regularly and we can choose at the time they cut and keep the fresh taste!!
Tore Tore market provided fresh seafood, some dried seafood products for tourist as souvenirs and they set up the dining area for visitor dine in after purchase from the market!
然後我們到了三段壁, 三段壁是天然形成的洞窟, 高50m, 我們乘了電梯到三段壁的底部! 在那裡有一個走廊可以讓我們在海浪旁走過...感受一下浪的洶湧跟聲音! 可以看到長年被浪拍打的岩石模樣!
洞裡比較涼快, 但有浪打, 所以地上比較濕, 要小心走! 在洞裡慢慢走大概20-30分鐘就走完了 :)
Then we went to Sandanbeki Cave, Sandanbeki Cave is appeared due to wave erosion, 50m height! We took the elevator to the cavern, there is a cloister for us to walk next to the ocean, feel and listen to the fierce wave! We can saw the appearance of cliff which eroded by wave everyday.
The cavern was cool but slippery, we need to walk carefully! It took 20-30mins to finish the exploration in the cavern. :)
洞裡比較涼快, 但有浪打, 所以地上比較濕, 要小心走! 在洞裡慢慢走大概20-30分鐘就走完了 :)
Then we went to Sandanbeki Cave, Sandanbeki Cave is appeared due to wave erosion, 50m height! We took the elevator to the cavern, there is a cloister for us to walk next to the ocean, feel and listen to the fierce wave! We can saw the appearance of cliff which eroded by wave everyday.
The cavern was cool but slippery, we need to walk carefully! It took 20-30mins to finish the exploration in the cavern. :)
然後我們到了千叠敷, 白良浜及円月島, 千叠敷也是由海浪侵蝕而成, 在上面走一走..拍個照就離開了! 另外我們到了白良浜, 關西最美的海灘, 白良浜水清沙幼, 吸引了很多人來進行水上活動! 我來的那天, 因為不是假日, 所以人比較少! 另外円月島也是因海浪侵蝕而出現的特別景點, 天氣好的話, 日落時, 太陽會在島中間的圓形洞出現, 十分美麗...由於我去的那天...天氣不好, 多雲, 所以未能看到這麼美的日落! 只能在和歌山官方旅遊網站找給大家看!
Then we went to Senjojiki, Shirarahama Beach and Engetsuto Island! Senjojiki is caused by the wave erosion, we only had a walk and took few photos on the cave and left! We went to Shirarahama beach, the best beach in Kansai area! Attracted a lot of people to do water sports here as the beach have nice quality of water and fine sand. Luckily there was not much people at the beach as that time was not holiday!
Engetsuto Island is a arch shape eroded island, we can see the sunset through the eroded hole if the weather is nice! Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and windy on that day, I cant see the amazing view of sunset! Found a photo of beautiful sunset at Engetsuto Island from Wakayama officail travel website to show you!
Then we went to Senjojiki, Shirarahama Beach and Engetsuto Island! Senjojiki is caused by the wave erosion, we only had a walk and took few photos on the cave and left! We went to Shirarahama beach, the best beach in Kansai area! Attracted a lot of people to do water sports here as the beach have nice quality of water and fine sand. Luckily there was not much people at the beach as that time was not holiday!
Engetsuto Island is a arch shape eroded island, we can see the sunset through the eroded hole if the weather is nice! Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and windy on that day, I cant see the amazing view of sunset! Found a photo of beautiful sunset at Engetsuto Island from Wakayama officail travel website to show you!
早上起床看到的景色, 讓人精神爽利!!
Besides, let me show you few photos of the hotel I stayed! This Onsen Hotel is really nice and I would like to visit again!
Feel so relax when we saw the view outside our room in the morning!
和歌山旅遊指南/Wakayama Travel Guide
和歌山遊記 (1)/Wakayama Travels (1) ulog#011
金刀比羅宮及男木島遊記/ Kotohira-gu Shrine & Ogijima Travels ulog#010
高松遊記/Takamatsu Travels ulog#009
德島遊記&美食推介/Tokushima Travels & Restaurant Recommendation ulog#008
松山遊記/Matsuyama Travels ulog#007
廣島美食推介/Restaurant Recommendation in Hiroshima ulog#006
廣島遊記/Hiroshima Travels ulog#005
東京遊記&美食介紹(2)/Tokyo Travels & Restaurant Recommendation(2) ulog#004
橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003
5月兩日一夜輕井澤遊記/ 2days 1night trip to Karuizawa in May ulog#002
東京美食推介/ Tokyo Restaurant Recommendation ulog#001
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