PostArtChallenge Theme 1 - Steemit Mascot [Entry 1: SteemPunk & SteemGine]

Presenting, SteemPunk and his best friend, SteemGine! (Yes, I know. I suck at making up names.)

SteemPunk and SteemGine

This is a response/entry to the contest by the awesome @drpuffnstuff, the Post Art Challenge. The first thing that came to my mind was steam punk genre. I thought it rightfully fits.

SteemPunk is mischievous, but friendly and generous. He loves steam engines -- err, steem engines, thus his love for his best friend, SteemGine

SteemGine is very much like SteemPunk, but the level of his mischief is off the roof. LOL. He is a steam -- gosh, steem! -- engine that SteemPunk takes everywhere with him.

They are a duo. One cannot exist without the other. SteemPunk provides SteemGine with enough contents for his best friend to turn into steem. Both of them love minnows, dolphins, and whales. Haha.

More about the work

The drawing's too... un-mascot-y. I had to Google what makes a good mascot, and according to an article I read, a good mascot is [1] memorable, [2] appealing and has personality, and [3] "instills trust" (I still don't understand this one). Regardless, I enjoyed drawing them both so I decided to submit this one up and just make a simplified version when I get the time. (Free time? What free time?)

Lineart: SAI
Colors: Adobe Ps CS6

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