dragonslayer109's daily pic of hidden gems (proxy posting for user of compromised account)

Helping posts get seen....

We are a community so why not help each other out a bit? After reading many posts(some really good) I noticed that some of them don't get the votes they deserve.

I had an idea how to share the posts I like and how to get them seen.

This is my experiment to maybe help out those great blog posts out there that somehow slip through the cracks.

Please look at these current posts and show them some upvote love.

After reading through this post it really struck "home". I love a writer that puts themselves into what they are writing, it just makes the post so much more meaningful. I really love all the artwork it is really nice. I don't want to give away too much so just go read and upvote this post.
Just looking at the general layout of the blog one can easily see why this person has made so much off steemit. Great post to have a look at if you are struggling with ideas and gives u a guild line on what you should be really posting.
Great post it will help us all to have a look at this one seeing as steemit is similar to an online bank. Use of pictures make it so much easier to understand.
He is truly a great man. Changed my country forever. He has made a difference in the world.
Will definitely help you be able to make money. It uses a video to explain making something really complicated, super easy.
Love a person which shares their experiences to help others out.
#6 always end on something funny

NOTE from @gavvet: since the @dragonslayer109 account is among the compromised ones, he has been itching to post and I suggested I will post on his behalf while he is waiting to get his account back.

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