Making medicinal jelly can be done with an herbal infusion or tinctures...and it is really very simple!
This batch is a mint and hibiscus jelly, because I like it, and it was a good way to show the process :)
There are some herbs which retain their medicinal properties through the jelly making process, like Dandelion, Hibiscus, Echinaca Root and Osha Root. There are others, but this gives an idea.
For herbs that cannot take the heat, mixing in a tincture just before filling the jars works. So long as the jars are filled quickly and lids are put on as quickly as can be, the herbs will maintain their healing qualities. This is great to get kids to take unpleasant herbs, or for many other reasons.
The Recipe is always the same...and makes 6 - 1/2 pints (or 12 - 4 oz jars with some left over)
4 C very strong tea (or juice if adding a tincture)
3.5 T pectin
5 C sugar
First prepare the tea, and strain 4 cups into the soup pot...
Prepare Jars*
Add the Pectin, and bring to a rolling boil...then add all of the sugar at once...
After adding the sugar, bring to a rolling boil again, for one minute (time this)...then remove from heat.
If using a tincture, add 1/4 C now
Then fill your jars, wipe rims, put warmed lids on and bands.
Jellies are Water Bath check the standard times for fruit jelly at your altitude.
That is all for now, thanks for reading...I hope you enjoyed!
This is a {Steemit Original} All words and photos by Elew
To read my other Medicinal Herb posts...